Our organization is called:
"Indigenous Hellenic Religion Union of Ethnic Hellenes"
We embrace and we love our:
Is there a future for Hellenism?
HELLENIC NATIONAL IDEOLOGY - Golden Formula for Hellenic Survival
Aristotelis Alexandridis & Savvas Grigoropoulos - Kallimachos
This site was launched on Monday, November 15, 2010, in order to help modern Greeks learn about their Indigenous Hellenic Ethnic Religion and to highlight and recognize various important people who have contributed to our Greek literature.
Homeland, Hellenic National (ethnic) Religion, Family
Our movement is a social and religious movement with very important constructive goals for Hellenism and its' survival and progress. We support the study of Hellenic philosophy and the promotion of the Hellenic National Religion.
At the same time, we believe that it is necessary to have celebrations and ceremonies so as to be able to pay our respects to our philosophers who are the fathers of the Hellenes and the Hellenic nation.
Therefore, in Greece and the world it is most important that “real Greeks" who love Greece, Hellenism and the Greek Spirit, to take control of their lives and destination ....to create their own Hellenic religious community branches of our organization or to create their own independent Hellenic Religious Communities.
Το κίνημά μας είναι ένα κοινωνικό και θρησκευτικό κίνημα με πολύ σημαντικούς εποικοδομητικούς στόχους για τον Ελληνισμό και την «επιβίωση και πρόοδο του». Υποστηρίζουμε τη μελέτη της Ελληνικής φιλοσοφίας και την προώθηση της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Θρησκείας. Ταυτόχρονα πιστεύουμε ότι είναι ανάγκη να δημιουργήσουμε γιορτές και τελετές ώστε να τιμούμε τους φιλοσόφους μας που είναι οι πατέρες των Ελλήνων και του Ελληνικού Έθνους.
Εμείς οι Έλληνες πρέπει να δημιουργήσουμε την φιλοσοφία της αδελφοσύνης, αγάπης και οικογενειακής υποστήριξης ο ένας για τον άλλον σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Δηλαδή, πρέπει να συμπεριφερόμαστε σαν μια μεγάλη οικογένεια, πάντα να ερχόμαστε στη βοήθεια του ενός του άλλου και πάντα να υποστηρίζουμε ο ένας τον άλλον!!
There are
many people who have a talent for distorting Hellenic history, religion and
Hellenic values of ancient Greece.
They have a
talent for distorting history in general. They make wild and inaccurate
assumptions and claims about the Hellenic people that supposedly willingly accepted
Christianity and many other attacks and negative lies and charges against our
forefathers and ancestors.
These people
align themselves with the many websites and blogs which are dedicated in
distorting our ancient Hellenic heritage with their many lies, with their
fabricated views of ancient Greek reality.
websites and blogs are written by the enemies of Hellenism. They have only one
aim in mind, which is to totally undermine, distort and destroy the great
legacy of ancient Greece and the ancient Hellenic people.
And the
saddest thing of all, they find many foolish Greeks, mainly Christians who have
first of all accepted this foreign Jewish cult religion as their own and
willingly have become the agents, the assistants of these website and blogs
owners on the internet in trying to exterminate the great reputation and
honorable name of ancient Greece and its people.
We thus must
remind all Hellenes to be aware and careful not to allow themselves to be
fooled by these websites and blogs which are available on the internet.
Πιστεύουμε επίσης ότι είναι σημαντικό για τις κοινότητες μας να συμμετέχουν σε φιλανθρωπικά καθήκοντα. Να είναι τα μέλη μας ζωντανά και ενεργά μέλη στην κοινωνία, βοηθώντας τους ανθρώπους που έχουν ανάγκη. Βοηθώντας εκείνους με προβλήματα και προκλήσεις, που μπορεί να είναι στην απόγνωση και χρειάζονται ιδιαίτερη προσοχή και φροντίδα από εμάς.
Our gift to God (the Gods).
To be a
Priest (ιεροφάντης) of the Religion of our ancestors, a basic characteristic is
a Virtuous Life in all its manifestations. It doesn't matter if you wear such
and such a ribbon or use such and such incense, or if you sing such and such a
Hymn beautifully, nor how many people you gather around you. Everyone's Home
and his pure soul is the best Temple. It is important to honor the precepts of
the ancestors, to be possessed by the Virtues of Courage, Bravery, Wisdom and
Slanders, lies, hypocrisy, arrogance, contempt
for other Priests or other people, lack of respect, do not make you a Priest,
much less a good person. In order to be a Priest, above all, through the
respect you give (if you give) to the Gods, you must also respect mankind. Only
then will we be able to pronounce the Holy words of
"Re-Hellenization". Re-Hellenization is not only bringing back the
Hellenic Ethnic Religion and its ceremonies, Re-Hellenization is the daily and
unceasing effort for a Virtuous Life that comes through the Education of our
Hellenic Ethnic Religion. Only then do you pay real honor to the Gods.
Το να είσαι Ιερέας (ιεροφάντης) της Θρησκείας των
προγόνων μας, βασικό χαρακτηριστικό είναι η Ενάρετη Ζωή σε όλες τις εκφάνσεις
της. Δεν έχει σημασία αν φοράς τάδε κορδέλα ή λιβανίζεις τάδε, ή τραγουδάς τον
τάδε Ύμνο όμορφα, ούτε πόσο κόσμο μαζεύεις γύρω σου. Το σπίτι του καθενός και η
αγνή ψυχή του είναι ο καλύτερος Ναός. Είναι σημαντικό να τιμούμε τις εντολές
των προγόνων, να διακατέχουμε τις αρετές του θάρρους, της γενναιότητας, της
σοφίας και της ειλικρίνειας.
Οι συκοφαντίες, τα
ψέματα, η υποκρισία, η αλαζονεία, η περιφρόνηση άλλων Ιερέων ή άλλων ανθρώπων,
η έλλειψη σεβασμού, δεν σε κάνουν Ιερέα, πολύ περισσότερο καλό άνθρωπο. Για να
είσαι Ιερέας, πάνω απ' όλα, μέσω του σεβασμού που δίνεις (αν δίνεις) στους
Θεούς, πρέπει να σέβεσαι και την ανθρωπότητα. Μόνο τότε θα μπορέσουμε να
προφέρουμε τα Ιερά λόγια του «Επανελληνισμού». Ο Επανελληνισμός δεν είναι μόνο
η επαναφορά της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Θρησκείας και των τελετών της, ο
Επανελληνισμός είναι η καθημερινή και αδιάκοπη προσπάθεια για μια Ενάρετη Ζωή
που έρχεται μέσα από την Εκπαίδευση της Ελληνικής μας Εθνικής Θρησκείας. Μόνο τότε αποδίδεις πραγματική τιμή
στους Θεούς.
Στην Ελληνική Εθνική Θρησκεία και Τιμής γιορτάζουμε τις διδασκαλίες των Θεών μας.
Επίσης γιορτάζουμε τη γέννηση ... τη ζωή και τις διδασκαλίες των αρχαίων Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων μας, ... οι προπάτορες μας... και Πατέρες του Ελληνικού Έθνους και λαού !
In the Hellenic Ethnic Religion and Honor we celebrate the meanings and the teachings of our Gods.
We also celebrate the birth...the lives and the teachings of our ancient Ηellenic philosophers.....our forefathers and Spiritual Fathers of the Hellenic Nation and people!
Cunning and dark days are coming...
In other words, we Greeks might even become a minority in our own country?
In the diaspora mixed marriages may = the death of the Hellenic language and the disappearance, the extinction of the Hellenic people (the genocide of Hellenism).
It is equally important to be honest and to mention that they will be expected to embrace Hellenism and to become a part of the Hellenic family.
It is important that the "aloethnikos" person contemplating in entering into a marriage contract with a Hellene, be aware of what is expected of them. Honesty in a marriage is the bond and bridge that binds a family together in a loving and caring relationship.
The Jews in the Diaspora almost always marry other Jews. They have large families, their population always growing and they are resilient, determined and committed to remain Jews from one generation to the next. They are always totally loyal and dedicated to their Jewish religion and to each other!
Η εβραϊκή θρησκεία είναι δομημένη για να βοηθά τον
εβραϊκό λαό να επιβιώνει πάντα ως ξεχωριστός εβραϊκός λαός σε όλο τον κόσμο.
The Jewish
religion is structured to assist the Jewish people to always survive as a
distinct Jewish people all over the world.
This is
something that Christianity is not structured to do for any ethnicity. In fact, its aims are the opposite!!
Αυτό είναι κάτι που ο Χριστιανισμός δεν είναι δομημένος
να κάνει για καμία εθνότητα. Στην πραγματικότητα οι στόχοι του είναι αντίθετοι!!
Is agnosticism non ethnic specific to all ethnicities and nationalities?
Στις διδασκαλίες του Ισλάμ, το Κοράνι θεωρείται ως ο λόγος του θεού τους Αλλάχ, του ίδιου θεού των
Εβραίων και των Χριστιανών με διαφορετικό όνομα.
Ωστόσο, το Κοράνι τους ερμηνεύεται επίσης ως απεικόνιση
ενός συστήματος διακυβέρνησης, παρόμοιο με ένα σύνταγμα μιας χώρας. Ωστόσο,
στις ισλαμικές διδασκαλίες, οι Μουσουλμάνοι δεν πιστεύουν στην ύπαρξη του
«έθνους κράτους» χωρών ή εθνικών ταυτοτήτων. Δεν αναγνωρίζουν ούτε τα
συντάγματα των χωρών.
Πιστεύουν ότι το Κοράνι υπερισχύει αυτών των συνθηκών και
ότι το Κοράνι πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί για να κυβερνά τον κόσμο, έναν κόσμο
χωρίς χώρες, χωρίς σύνορα, αλλά μόνο ένα «παγκόσμιο χαλιφάτο» υπό το Ισλάμ, υπό
τον κανόνα των διδασκαλιών και των νόμων του Κορανίου . Το Κοράνι δεν
αναγνωρίζει και δεν ενθαρρύνει την δημοκρατία,
δεν δέχεται το δημοκρατικό τρόπο διακυβέρνησης.
Η απόλυτη θεοκρατική δικτατορία της σύγχρονης εποχής μας
με σκληρούς και δρακόντερους νόμους.
Ωστόσο, το Κοράνι δεν εκφράζει τον λόγο του Θεού ή οποιουδήποτε Θεού.
Εκφράζει τον λόγο και τους νόμους που εφευρέθηκαν και δημιουργήθηκαν από
Το Ισλάμ διδάσκει επίσης για ανταμοιβές στη μετέπειτα ζωή
για τους καλούς Μουσουλμάνους σε έναν υποτιθέμενο παράδεισο.Πώς μπορεί κανείς
να γνωρίζει το οτιδήποτε για τη μετά
θάνατον ζωή;
Αυτά είναι απλοί ισχυρισμοί και εικασίες και θεωρίες που
δεν μπορούν να αποδειχθούν.
*** Πώς γνωρίζουν οι Εβραίοι, οι Χριστιανοί και οι
Μουσουλμάνοι ποιος είναι ο λόγος του Θείου;
*** Δεν έχουν γραφτεί τα θρησκευτικά βιβλία τους από
ανθρώπους. Δεν εκφράζουν τότε τις απόψεις, τις ιδέες και τις εφευρέσεις αυτών
των ανθρώπων;
*** Ο χριστιανισμός για πολλές εκατοντάδες χρόνια ήταν
μια πολύ βάναυση και μισαλλόδοξη θρησκεία. Δεν επέτρεψε καμία πραγματική
ελευθερία έκφρασης ή σκέψης. Χωρίς ελευθερία λόγου. Όλα αυτά άλλαξαν όταν η
Ευρώπη γνώρισε τον «Διαφωτισμό και την Αναγέννηση» που ιδρύθηκε επάνω στον
αρχαίο αθηναϊκό πολιτισμό.
Το Ισλάμ
πραγματικά έχει πολύ μεγάλη
ανάγκη το δικό του «Διαφωτισμό» και «Αναγέννηση».
Did the
ancient Romans persecute the Christians?
If yes, WHY?
Οι αρχαίοι Ρωμαίοι κατάδιωκαν τους χριστιανούς;
Εάν ναι,
In the
teachings of Islam, the Koran is considered the word of their god Allah, the
same god of the Jews and Christians with a different name.
their Koran is also interpreted as portraying a system of government, similar
to a constitution of a country. However in the Islamic teachings, Muslims do
not believe in the existence of the "nation state,” of countries or ethnic
identities. They do not recognize the constitutions of countries either. They
believe that the Koran super cedes these constitutions and that the Koran
should be used to rule the world, a world with no countries, no borders but
just one "worldwide caliphate" under Islam, under the rule of the
teachings and laws of the Koran. The Koran does not recognize nor does it
endorse democracy. The Koran opposes a democratic system of government.
The absolute theocratic dictatorship of our
modern times with harsh and draconian laws to live by!!
However the
Koran does not express the word of the Divine or any God either. It expresses
the words and the laws that have been invented and created by men. Islam also
teaches of the rewards in the afterlife for good Muslims in a supposed
How can anyone know anything about the afterlife?
Again these are mere claims and speculations and theories that cannot be
*** How do
Jews, Christians and Muslims know what the word of the Divine is?
*** Have not
their religious books been written by human beings. Do they not then express
the views, the ideas and the inventions of these human beings?
Christianity for many hundreds of years was a very brutal and intolerant
religion. It did not allow any real freedom of expression or thought. No
freedom of speech. This all changed when Europe experienced its
"Enlightenment and Renaissance" which was founded on the ancient
Athenian civilization.
Islam truly
needs to have its own "Enlightenment" and "Renaissance".
Πρέπει να το κάνουμε αυτό επειδή ο Ορθόδοξος Χριστιανισμός μοιράζεται με πολλές ξένες εθνικότητες και έτσι δημιουργεί τη γέφυρα στους μικτούς γάμους, αφομοίωση και τέλος την εξαφάνιση μας ως ελληνικό λαό.
Επίσης η ελληνορθόδοξη χριστιανική θρησκεία υμνεί τον εβραϊκό λαό, τον τοποθετεί σε ψηλό βάθρο, ενώ ταυτόχρονα βάζει τους Έλληνες κάτω, κάνει τους Έλληνες να μοιάζουν με σκουπίδια.
(Christianity teaches our children the religion and the history of the ancient Jewish people, and what they made up for themselves, in order to create an identity and meaning for themselves as a people).
The Greek Orthodox Christian religion praises the Jewish people, it places them on a high pedestal, while at the same time it puts Greeks down, it makes Greeks to look like rubbish.
It therefore does not participate nor is it interested in the duty of maintaining the Divines sacred diversity.
The only way for us as a Hellenic People to become truly independent is to return to our very own Hellenic National Religion and to become economically independent so that we never need to depend on other people, on any other ethnicities and nationalities. To achieve this aim we must be united, we must always support and assist each other at all times throughout the world wherever we may reside.
‘Όταν μισείς τους πάντες και τα πάντα......
Στο τέλος το αποτέλεσμα του μίσους
είναι η αυτοκαταστροφή σου!
When you hate everyone and everything……
You end up destroying yourself!
Εάν εμείς οι Έλληνες σε όλο τον κόσμο δεν λάβουμε σοβαρά υπόψη μας το θέμα του χαμηλού ποσοστό γεννήσεων και δεν κάνουμε πολλά παιδιά όπως κάνουν οι Χασσιδικοί Εβραίοι και οι Μουσουλμάνοι, σύντομα θα εξαφανιστούμε ως φυλή, ως Ελληνικός λαός.
If we
Greeks around the world do not take seriously the issue of our low birth rate
and do not have many children as the Hassidic Jews and the Muslims do, we will
soon disappear as a race, as a Hellenic people.
{When one is baptized, when they are just a few months old does not imply the free will of that person, but rather the opposite, the free will of that person has been abrogated!!!
It is only correct and right for that person when they have grown up and matured to be able to make a free choice based on their personal convictions and conscience to make the decision whether they wish to stay with the religion and traditions others chose for them or to make a change!
It is a very serious decision to make and one does not do so lightly.
In doing so you question your conscience and the principles and values that are important to you and your reason for being in this world and the direction you wish to take. Many other values also come on board and are considered.
One needs to use their own free will and judgment to return to the authentic religion and traditions of their own ancestors!
We are very proud and happy with our decision. Many people just do not have the strength to search and research what they are actually brought up to believe!
Let alone to find the courage and strength to make a change, based on their convictions principles, values and desires!!
Only when we exercise our own free will, can we be considered truly a free person!}
*** Our Hellenic religion is about VIRTUE. It is virtuous to love and respect your family etc. It is also virtuous to love, to be loyal to your homeland and to defend it, no matter what.
uniqueness of the Hellenic people and Religion is the Holy Canon of History.
The Gods do not recognize any other Religion, other than the Hellenic Religion.
The Greeks do not recognize any other Gods than the Immortal Gods of the
Hellenic Pantheon. The Greeks are a unique people chosen by the Gods to create
a high level of civilization for the benefit of all people. The Cosmos and the
World belongs to the Gods and the Gods handed over to the Greeks a great responsibility.
Η μοναδικότητα του ελληνικού λαού και της θρησκείας είναι
ο Ιερός Κανόνας της Ιστορίας. Οι Θεοί δεν αναγνωρίζουν καμία άλλη θρησκεία,
εκτός της Ελληνικής Θρησκείας. Οι Έλληνες δεν αναγνωρίζουν άλλους Θεούς εκτός
από τους Αθάνατους Θεούς του Ελληνικού Πάνθεον. Οι Έλληνες είναι ένας μοναδικός
λαός που επέλεξαν οι Θεοί για να δημιουργήσουν ένα υψηλό επίπεδο πολιτισμού
προς όφελος όλων των ανθρώπων. Ο Κόσμος
ανήκει στους Θεούς και οι Θεοί παρέδωσαν στους Έλληνες μια μεγάλη
This shows loyalty, commitment, dedication and determination from the Jewish side.
Jewish people understand who they are, what they are and where they are going; they are committed to their cause as Jews!!!
We Greeks at this point of time in comparison are like lost sheep in the wilderness!! It is in our power to change this situation now, all that is required of us is will power and an honest appraisal and understanding of who we really are and what we are all about as a Hellenic people!! }
*Symbol of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion & Honour.
*Symbol of loyalty and dedication to Hellas and its people.
*Symbol of Hellenic identity.
*Symbol of Hellenic unity.
*Symbol of the united Greek nations re-birth.
*Dedication to the Hellenic Ethnic Religion & Honor.
*Love and dedication to our mother country Hellas.
*Love and dedication to the Hellenic nation.
*Love and dedication to the Hellenic civilization, language, identity and
*Deep love, affection and respect to the memory of our forefathers and
ANCIENT GREEK GOLDEN SUN STAR is a symbol that was used by the Ancient Greeks.
Although the Sun Star is a Greek symbol, it became famous because of the
ancient Greek Macedonians, who used it as a symbol of the royal dynasty of the
ancient Greek speaking Kingdom of Macedonia - (City State of Macedonia).
The Greek historical file gives one all the information and images that show
the history and significance of
this important symbol in Ancient Greece.
The typical Sun Star consists of 16 points (rays). We also see it with 12 or
even 8-rays of the sun. The sun with sixteen rays (or points – tips) represents
the following: the 4 rays represent the 4 elements, LAND - SEA - FIRE - AIR and
the other 12 rays represent the 12 Gods of Olympus.
(Missing are the names which explain the 16 rays.)
The Sun Star represents the symbol of virginity (purity). So usually we see
this ancient Greek symbol, for the virgin goddess Athena. But in several other
cases, it can identify with Apollo.
The Sun Star became a common symbol of ancient Greece and it is found on coins,
pottery, paintings and statues, long before the Macedonia kingdom and the
dynasty of Argos.
Sixteen pointed tip - Suns are often presented in Macedonian and other
Hellenistic coins and shields of antiquity. There are also a number of
illustrations of Athenian soldiers carrying an identical sixteen pointed star
symbol on their armor, from the 6th century, and coins from the islands to
mainland Greece, as in Corfu, findings 5th BC century at Lokrida, and 4th BC
After the union of the Greeks under the leadership of Alexander the Great, the
Sun Star became the main symbol of the united Greek nations...re-birth
Are all religions a creation of man?
The Gods of
the Greeks are Divine Entities of the Universe. They are natural divine forces
and entities! Our Gods are existence itself.
Our Gods are the laws that govern and control everything, nature and
existence, the Universe - the Cosmos. They are the Divine Entities that define
and control everything on our planet, in the solar system, in the universe and
all the universes that exist (The Cosmos).
There is a
school of thought among some ancient Greek theologians that the Gods because
they are Divine, they have the power to transform themselves into whatever they
wish...and to appear to us for example as human beings etc.
Υπάρχει μια σχολή σκέψης μεταξύ μερικών αρχαίων Ελλήνων θεολόγων ότι οι Θεοί επειδή είναι Θεϊκοί, έχουν τη δύναμη να μεταμορφώνονται σε ό,τι θέλουν...και να φανούν σε μας για παράδειγμα ως άνθρωποι κ.λπ.
Οι Θεοί έχουν αναδυθεί
από το όλο Ον με απλή πλήθυνση του εαυτού του σε επιμέρους οντότητες, γι’ αυτό
και διατηρούν όλες του τις ιδιότητες, δηλαδή αθανασία, απεραντοσύνη και γνώση.
Έργο των Θεών είναι η εγκαθίδρυση και διατήρηση της συνοχής και ευταξίας του
εκάστοτε «Κόσμου».
Οι αληθινοί, φυσικοί
Θεοί είναι λοιπόν τέλεια και ταξιθετικά όντα που κατέχουν την αθανασία και την
γνώση και διαποτίζουν απρόσκοπτα όλον τον κόσμο, επιδρώντας επάνω του.
Υποκείμενοι στη νομοτέλεια του κόσμου και πιστά υπηρετούντες τους νόμους του,
οι Θεοί συμμετέχουν στην αειγενεσία, δηλαδή στην συνεχή σύνθεση και αποσύνθεση
των μορφών.
Ως προς την φύση τους,
οι αληθινοί, φυσικοί Θεοί είναι τέλειοι, αγαθοί, αθάνατοι, αμετάβλητοι,
άπειροι, δίκαιοι, πάνσοφοι, αιώνιοι, απρόσωποι, άνευ γένους, συνεκτικοί,
αιθέριοι στην ύλη τους και ικανοί να διαπερνούν την υπόλοιπη ύλη.
Αυτονόητο είναι ότι
αυτοί οι πραγματικοί, φυσικοί Θεοί, δεν «αποσύρονται», δεν «συνενώνονται σε ένα
πρόσωπο», δεν «αντικαθίστανται», δεν «παύουν να υπάρχουν», ούτε και «νικώνται»,
σύμφωνα με τις ορέξεις ή τις προσδοκίες ασεβών θνητών ή οργανωμένων συστημάτων
Οι Θεοί είναι Καθολικές
Θεϊκές Θεότητες και δυνάμεις.
*** Καθώς δεν υπάρχει
τρόπος να εμφανιστεί η πραγματική μορφή των Θεών σε μορφή εικόνας ή με οποιονδήποτε
άλλο τρόπο (οι Θεοί είναι αόρατοι κ.λπ.), οι αρχαίοι επέλεξαν να
χρησιμοποιήσουν την ανθρώπινη μορφή καθώς είναι το μόνο ζωντανό ον που διαθέτει
αληθινή ομορφιά και ευφυΐα ως η καλύτερη λύση για να βοηθήσει τους ανθρώπους να
κατανοήσουν καλύτερα τους Θεούς. Για παράδειγμα, η ομορφιά που εκφράζεται στα
αγάλματα δηλώνει την τελειότητα των Θεών.
Οι μορφές (αγάλματα) των Θεών χρησιμοποιούνται για να συμβολίσουν τις πολλές έννοιες που αποδίδονται στους Θεούς. Αυτά έχουν εκφραστεί στα γραπτά των αρχαίων Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων και θεολόγων μας.
The Gods have emerged from the whole Being with a simple
plurality of themselves into individual entities, which is why they retain all
of its attributes, namely immortality, vastness and knowledge. The work of the
Gods is the establishment and maintenance of the cohesion and order of each
"World in the Universe".
The true, natural Gods are therefore perfect and class beings that
possess immortality and knowledge and seamlessly permeate the whole world,
influencing it. Subject to the law of the world and faithfully serving its
laws, the Gods participate in the perpetuation, that is, in the continuous
synthesis and decomposition of forms.
In their nature, the true, natural Gods are perfect, good,
immortal, unchangeable, άπειροι, just, omniscient, eternal, impersonal,
genderless, cohesive, ethereal in matter and capable of permeating the rest of
It goes without saying that these real, natural Gods do not
"withdraw", do not "unite in one person", do not
"replace", do not "cease to exist", nor are
"defeated", according to the appetites or expectations of ungodly
mortals or organized systems of disrespect.
The Gods are Universal Divine Deities and powers.
*** As there is no way to display the actual form of the Gods in
picture form or in any other way (the Gods are invisible etc.), the ancients
chose to use the human form as it is the only living being possessing true beauty
and intelligence as the best solution to help the people to better understand
the Gods. For example the beauty expressed in the statues designates the
perfection of the Gods.
The forms (statues) of the Gods are used to symbolize the many
meanings that are attributed to the Gods. These have been expressed in the
writings of our ancient Hellenic philosophers and theologians.
In the Jewish tradition, it is claimed that the Divine (Their God) existed
in a state of nothingness. That their God YAHWEH created everything from
nothing in six days and had to rest on the seventh.
This is what
the ancient Jewish people wrote in their Torah - Old Testament. How do they
know this? Who told them? Where and how did they get this information? Did they
invent this story from their own imagination?
In the Hellenic tradition our ancestors believed that nothing
can be created from nothing. That the Universe was/is timeless. That the Divine
exists within the Universe.
Our ancient
forefathers and ancestors observed and studied the Universe - Cosmos over many
generations. This brought about a great
understanding which resulted in achieving their religious assessment.
To better understand ancient Greek Mythology we must understand that it operated on two main levels. One that was addressed to many people and was used to teach moral principles and values and thus became the "permanent school" and folklore of the average Greek. {Mythology was used by the ancients for ethical teachings etc. To be properly understood the myths must be decoded.}
And another, {the deep and rich theology} which was addressed to fewer but more curious people (those that had a great yearning to learn) to teach codified higher knowledge about the World and the
Gods and thus became the "Theology" of the ancient Greek religion.
The Gods do not by nature have human forms or human bodies, this
is a movement on the part of man that needs the physical and the form to
understand them. And so their "human" form serves the needs of human
understanding and what is attributed to them does not mean that it belongs to
their nature. Also, Orpheus was the first to use the code of human kinship
degrees to teach Theology in an understandable way, but over the centuries this
was forgotten. Distorted by the adversaries.
The Gods are Universal, Universal Entities (Deities) and powers, each of
them expresses separate attributes, responsibilities and powers. They live in a
place called "Olympus", however this is not the mountain of the same
name in Macedonia. Etymologically the word Olympus means all-shining place,
all-glowing> Olympus. And this etymology is not given by anyone by chance,
but by the great philosopher Aristotle. The theologian Orpheus tells us that
the Gods reside in a place where there is no rain, no hail, no wind and no snow.
And the same is repeated by the poet Homer. In other words, they reside in the
supernatural place, which Plato explains in his work "Phaedrus",
where there is a constant Light and radiance, i.e. the glow of the Sun, the
Moon and the stars - in the Universe. The Gods reside in the Universe, they are the Universe.
To understand the theological meanings of Uranus (Ουρανού),
Saturn (Kronos), Zeus, and other Gods, we must relate them both to the early
manifestations of the physical laws of the Universe and to the deeper
properties and functions of Nature and the Universe, up to achieving harmony
and order, through the Universal Mind - Zeus, so that it is and functions as a
whole as the Universe, which means exactly the jewel (κόσμημα), order and law
of everything - the Universe. Through Zenos - Zeus came the other Olympian Gods and Goddesses, in the manifested Universe. But, as Plato explains, in his
work "Politician"«Πολιτικός» the Gods, after establishing Order in
the Universe, allowed all beings, including us humans, to evolve according to
the natural and divine laws.
Στην εβραϊκή παράδοση,
υποστηρίζεται ότι το Θείο υπήρχε σε κατάσταση μηδενισμού. Ότι ο Θεός τους Ο
ΓΙΑΧΒΕ δημιούργησε τα πάντα από το τίποτα σε έξι ημέρες και έπρεπε να
ξεκουραστεί στην έβδομη.
Αυτό έγραψαν οι αρχαίοι Εβραίοι στην Τορά τους - Παλαιά Διαθήκη. Πώς το γνωρίζουν αυτό; Ποιος τους το είπε; Πού και πώς έλαβαν αυτές τις πληροφορίες; Επινόησαν αυτή την ιστορία από τη δική τους φαντασία;
Οι αρχαίοι πρόγονοί
και οι προπάτορες μας παρατήρησαν και μελέτησαν το Σύμπαν - Κόσμος για
πολλές γενιές. Αυτό επέφερε μια μεγάλη κατανόηση που κατέληξε στην επίτευξη της
θρησκευτικής τους εκτίμησης.
Στην ελληνική παράδοση
οι πρόγονοί μας πίστευαν ότι τίποτα δεν μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί από το τίποτα.
Ότι το Σύμπαν ήταν/είναι διαχρονικό. Ότι το Θείο υπήρχε/υπάρχει μέσα στο
Για να κατανοήσουμε καλύτερα την αρχαία Ελληνική Μυθολογία πρέπει να καταλάβουμε ότι λειτουργούσε σε δύο κύρια επίπεδα. Ένα που απευθυνόταν στον πολύ κόσμο και χρησιμοποιήθηκε για να διδάξει ηθικές αρχές και αξίες και έτσι έγινε το «διαρκές σχολείο» και η λαογραφία του μέσου Έλληνα. {Η μυθολογία χρησιμοποιήθηκε από τους αρχαίους για ηθικές διδασκαλίες κλπ. Για να γίνουν σωστά κατανοητοί, οι μύθοι πρέπει να αποκωδικοποιηθούν.}
Καἰ ένα άλλο, (η πολύ πλούσια θεολογία με βάθος) που απευθυνόταν σε λιγώτερους μεν αλλά
πιο υποψιασμένους - περίεργους (άνθρωποι που είχαν μεγάλη δίψα για γνώση), για να διδάξει
κωδικοποιημένα ανώτερες γνώσεις για τον Κόσμο και τους Θεούς και έτσι έγινε η "Θεολογία" της αρχαίας Ελληνικής θρησκείας.
Οι Θεοί δεν έχουν από
την φύση τους ανθρώπινες μορφές ή ανθρώπινα σώματα, αυτό εἰναι μια κίνηση από
μέρους του ανθρώπου που χρειάζεται το μορφικό και το σωματικό για να τους
εννοήσει. Κι έτσι η «ανθρώπινη» μορφή τους εξυπηρετεί ανάγκες κατανόσης των
ανθρώπων και ό,τι αποδίδεται σε αυτούς δεν σημαίνει ότι και ανήκει στην φύση
τους. Επίσης, πρώτος ο Ορφεύς χρησιμοποίησε τον κώδικα των βαθμών συγγενείας
των ανθρώπων για να διδάξει Θεολογία με έναν τρόπο κατανοητό, αλλά στην πορεία
των αιώνων αυτό ξεχάστηκε ἠ διαστρεβλώθηκε από τους πολεμίους.
Οι Θεοί είναι Καθολικές,
Συμπαντικές Οντότητες και καθένας τους εκφράζει ξεχωριστές ιδιότητες,
διακιοδοσίες και δυνάμεις. Κατοικούν σε ένα μέρος που ονομάζεται «Όλυμπος»,
ωστόσο αυτό δεν είναι το ομώνυμο βουνό της Μακεδονίας. Ετυμολογικά η λέξη
Όλυμπος σημαίνει ολολαμπής τόπος, ολόλαμπος > Όλυμπος. Και αυτή την
ετυμολογία δεν την δίνει κανένας τυχαίος, αλλά ο μεγάλος φιλόσοφος Αριστοτέλης.
Ο θεολόγος Ορφεύς μας λέει ότι οι Θεοί κατοικούν σε ένα μέρος όπου δεν υπάρχει
ούτε βροχή, ούτε χαλάζι, ούτε άνεμος ή χιόνι. Και το ίδιο επαναλαμβάνει και ο
ποιητής Όμηρος. Με άλλα λόγια κατοικούν στον υπερουράνιο τόπο, που εξηγεί και ο
Πλάτων στο έργο του «Φαίδρος», όπου υπάρχει ένας διαρκές Φως και λάμψη. Ο
Ηλιος, το Φεγγάρη και τα Αστρα. Δηλαδή οι θεοί κατοικούν στο Σύμπαν και είναι το Σύμπαν.
Για να κατανοήσουμε τις
θεολογικές έννοιες του Ουρανού, του Κρόνου, του Διός, και των άλλων Θεών θα
πρέπει να τις συσχετίσουμε τόσο με τις πρώιμες εκδηλώσεις των φυσικών νόμων του
Σύμπαντος, όσο και με βαθύτερες ιδιότητες και λειτουργίες της Φύσεως και του
Σύμπαντος, μέχρι την επίτευξη της αρμονίας και της τάξης, μέσω του Συμπαντικού
Νού - Διός, ώστε να είναι και να λειτουργεί στο σύνολό του ως Κόσμος, που
σημαίνει ακριβώς κόσμημα, ευταξία και νόμος του παντός -Σύμπαντος. Μέσω του
Ζηνός - Διός ήρθαν και οι άλλοι Ολύμπιοι, Θεοί και Θεές, στο εκδηλωμένο Σύμπαν.
Αλλά, όπως εξηγεί και ο Πλάτων, στο έργο του «Πολιτικός» οι Θεοί, αφού έθεσαν
την Ταξη στο Σύμπαν, άφησαν όλα τα όντα, κι εμάς τους ανθρώπους, να εξελιχθούν
σύμφωνα με τους φυσικούς και θείους νόμους…
For us MAN has been anointed by the Gods as THE CUSTODIAN OF ALL ON EARTH.
The greatest conquest of the Hellenic religion and a timeless gift to humanity is “Humanism”, i.e. respect to the human condition. For us Hellenes, humans are a value in themselves and all humans are considered related thanks to their common rational nature. However, only those that activate morally their rational nature through Virtue are linked to the Divinity.
Έχει ενδιαφέρον να διαβάσουμε τι λέγεται για τον Ερμή τον Τρισμέγιστο ο οποίος
μας οδηγεί στο να κατανοήσουμε σε ποιο σύμπαν ζούμε και ποιοι είμαστε
πραγματικά εμείς οι άνθρωποι..
Οι 7 νόμοι του Σύμπαντος. Οι αρχές της Αλήθειας είναι επτά: εκείνος που το
καταλαβαίνει αυτό τέλεια, κατέχει το μαγικό κλειδί, που με αυτό οι Πύλες του
ναού θα ανοίξουν.
1....Το Παν είναι ο Λόγος. Το σύμπαν είναι Νοητικο
2....Όπως είναι πάνω, είναι και κάτω. Όπως είναι κάτω, είναι και πάνω.
Δηλαδή.....Όπως είναι πάνω έτσι είναι και εδώ κάτω.Τα αμετάβλητα νοητά και
όμοια αισθητά.Όπως είναι πάνω στον έβδομο ουρανό, έτσι είναι και εδώ κάτω,
εννοεί το πνεύμα, το οποίο στο γίγνεσθαι του υλικού κόσμου των μορφών, έχει
επτά σώματα και επτά διαφορετικές βαθμίδες πνεύματος, όπου το ανώτερο πνεύμα
εξουσιάζει το κατώτερο.
Η ανθρώπινη ψυχή είναι η μόνη που κατέχει το Ιερόν Πυρ, δηλαδή τις επτά
βαθμίδες του πνεύματος, οπότε ένας άνθρωπος εδώ κάτω στην Γη, αν αφυπνίσει το
Νου και την καρδιά, θα αποκτήσει το πνεύμα του πυρός, δηλαδή την ικανότητα να
τον οδηγεί το ανώτερο πνεύμα του πυρός.
3....Τίποτε δεν είναι ακίνητο, όλα δονούνται.
4...Όλα είναι δυαδικά, όλα έχουν δύο πόλους. Όλα είναι ένα ζεύγος αντιθέτων, τα
άκρα αγγίζονται.
5...Όλα ρέουν και πάλι ρέουν. Όλα έχουν περιόδους ακμής και παρακμής, ανόδου
και καθόδου. Όλα κινούνται σαν εκκρεμές.Το μέτρο της κίνησης προς τα δεξιά
είναι όμοιο με αυτό της κίνησης προς τα αριστερά. Ο ρυθμός είναι η εξίσωση
6...Κάθε αιτία έχει το αποτέλεσμα της. Κάθε αποτέλεσμα έχει μια αιτία, όλα
γίνονται σύμφωνα με τον Νόμο.
7...Η γέννηση υπάρχει παντού. Όλα έχουν μια αρσενική και μια θηλυκή αρχή. Η
γέννηση εκδηλώνεται σε κάθε επίπεδο.
Για τον Ερμή Τρισμέγιστο υπάρχει δρόμος επιστροφής, αν κάποιος προετοιμάζει την
ψυχή του από την γη. Για αυτόν ακριβώς τον λόγο, όσο βρισκόμαστε εν ζωή
οφείλουμε να δίνουμε μεγαλύτερη σημασία στην καλλιέργεια των πνευματικών και
ψυχικών μας αρετών, παρά στο σώμα μας.
Ο άνθρωπος, λοιπόν, μπορεί να οδηγηθεί πάλι στην θέωση μέσα από την απόκτηση
της γνώσης, κατανοώντας πρώτα από όλα τους νόμους που διέπουν το σύμπαν και εν
συνεχεία μέσα από την δική του καλλιέργεια, έχοντας αποκτήσει αυτογνωσία και
αποφεύγοντας να κάνει κακό σε άλλους ανθρώπους.
Μόνο μέσα από την προσπάθειά μας να εξισώσουμε τον εαυτό μας με το θείο/θεούς
μπορούμε να τον κατανοήσουμε, αφού μόνο τα όμοια έλκονται και
Η αρετή, λοιπόν, η σωφροσύνη και η ευσέβεια είναι η γνώση του θεού. Συνήθως,
όσοι άνθρωποι αποκτήσουν την γνώση αυτή, μετά διαχωρίζουν τον εαυτό τους από
τους υπόλοιπους ανθρώπους, αφού δημιουργείται μίας μορφής αμοιβαίας αντιπάθειας
αναμεταξύ τους.
((οι πρόγονοι μας έδειξαν τον δρόμο....Σταμάτα να ασχολείσαι με ψευδοσωτηρες...
Μόνο μ έναν τρόπο θα
φτάσεις στο φως...))
And supposedly God came to earth in the form of Jesus to sacrifice himself so as to absolve man of this supposed Ancestral Sin.
To answer the above question, we should first define what national traditions
and religions are and see the differences from established or apocalyptic
religions. We should see what kind of people each produces and what the other
produces, which religion and tradition promotes virtue and which promotes fear,
hatred, intolerance and cruelty.
Thus, the tradition is inherent to the nation that gave birth to it, that is,
it is national and cannot have a time starting point that is later than the
starting point of this nation.
No closed system of perception and behavior that was invented or created at one
time and then prevailed destroying all previous national traditions is a
tradition. There is neither a Christian nor an Islamic tradition. And since we
have defined that there is no Christian and Islamic tradition (we can
generalize it, that there is no monotheistic tradition) we proceed to some of
the many important differences that the National Ethnic Religions have against
the established or apocalyptic religions.
1) The truth of natural religions is intellectual, that is, man understands
divinity through the intellect that connects him to it. The truth of the
established religions is apocalyptic, that is, the divinity is supposed to have
"revealed" itself to some chosen people or to some chosen person.
2) Natural religions understand the multiplicity and diversity that nature
itself requires and each one of them is sufficient for the people who accept
it, with no intention of extending it to others who follow another religion.
They accept the concept of God of other nations and consider them correct in
the context of the traditions that have developed. On the contrary, the
established or apocalyptic religions treat their version of the truth as one
and only and demand to impose it on all the people of the planet, either
through direct violence (i.e. slaughtering those who resisted Christianity) or
through indirect violence (i.e. through laws , removal or minimization of
possibility of the different right to exist).Because of this very difference
between them for many centuries the established or apocalyptic religions,
expand at the expense of the natural religions since cruelty, or intolerance
and the armed hand, are stronger than kindness, tolerance and the hand extended
with friendship and understanding.
3) The most important difference, however, is the Value System of the natural
religions, which in the Hellenic Ethnic Religion, has to do with Right Reason,
Humanism, but primarily with Virtue. Virtue through Ethical Philosophy, does
not deal with reflection but with <<practice>> and its search is
the<<authentically ethical praxis>>or the<<Praxis of
Virtue>>. The Practice of Virtue is the practice of DUTY. Duty is what is
done with consistency, honesty and awareness of the value of man, as a rational
and moral being. There are three conditions of Duty: Consistency, Honesty and
Awareness. In the eyes of those uninitiated in moral philosophy, the struggle
for Virtue seems futile because they judge it statically, being completely
ignorant of Virtue or even averse to it. Man is related to the gods only
through Virtue and only through it can he resemble them by perfecting the
highest part of himself. There are three conditions in this effort: firstly,
the acceptance of Virtue as something divine, i.e. as an absolute quantity that
cannot be reduced elsewhere and is not amenable to discounts, secondly Dignity
and thirdly the Taking of Responsibilities. The Great Greek and Teacher VLASIS
G. RASSIAS always said in public speeches, to the annoyance of those who are
bothered by this, that Hellenism, the National - Ethnic, not the one by
nationality, is primarily Virtue, Virtue, Virtue, Virtue. The Virtues are many.
Below I will analyze some, so that we can see and understand the necessity of
returning to the National Ethnic Traditions and religions, through the
differences that exist and the suggestions that each one gives us.
1) The Virtue of Faith is a very important question for man. It is one of those
Virtues that build the Value System of the Greeks. With Faith, you cultivate
Devotion, Honesty, Guarantee, Reliability, Stability and Consistency, in
keeping covenants and Oaths. God protector of <<Faith>> as Virtue,
is God Zeus <<Faithful>>. The possessor of the Virtue of Faith is
called a believer, that is, one who is genuine and adamantine in character,
trustworthy, honest and trustworthy, one who remains firm and remains true to
his word or oath, does not yield to pressure, remains faithful in his
principles and his views. Unfortunately, however, the meaning of the Virtue of
Faith has been falsified by Christians to such an extent that it has come to
mean << the acceptance without evidence of what someone says, who speaks
without knowledge, about unprecedented things. The opposite of Faith is
Infidelity, Unreliability, Subjugation, Treachery, Duplicity and Betrayal.
The Virtue of Honesty belongs to the God Apollo and is a reflection of God
within the human soul, it is directly related to those of Harmony and Honesty.
It is the Virtue, according to which, man always and directly tells the truth.
Like the god Apollo, he does everything <<ΔΗΛΑ>>, i.e. openly so
also Honesty reveals to us ourselves, what we really are. Before one can be
honest with others, one must be honest with oneself. The Virtue of Honesty, of
course, also suffered this conceptual distortion and from the reflection of the
God Apollo, in the human soul it was relegated by the Christians to the quality
of self-abasement and the so-called ``repentance''. <<the god e.g. waits
for the sincere repentance of sinners>>, <<repentance will lead us
to sincere confession>> etc. The ``very'' old Paisios, ``enlightens'' us
that the ``psychiatric hospitals'' would be empty if the Christians professed
orthodoxy. Purely, with sincerity, humility and obedience, in a discreet
spiritual>>. In the 14 black centuries of Christian omnipotence (4th to
17th AD) at least, Honesty not only disappeared, as a Virtue but even as a way,
it put the one who dared to manifest it, in immediate and mortal danger.
Parrisia is when someone expresses himself without fear and inhibitions, with
courage, honesty but above all with directness (that is, he is the one who can
speak freely). It was considered a basic Virtue, it is a condition of freedom
and decency and forms the non-slave man. It manifested itself both in the political
discourse and in the cultural one. On the cult level, the word means direct
communication with the Gods. Through Parrisia, that citizen is born who is
free, because he chooses to speak openly and honestly instead of deceiving his
interlocutor, with various rhetorical tricks, because he chooses the truth and
not silence or lies, the risk of life, instead of security, criticism instead
of flattery, moral duty instead of passivity, and indifference to one's
personal gain. Parrisia presupposes that one possesses the necessary qualities,
so that one can fearlessly speak out the raw truth that is avoided by the mean
and cowardly. The preacher essentially manifests his personal relationship,
with freedom, with truth, with political duty as well as with moral duty. The
so fundamental Virtue of Parrisia, which moved the free man from mere opinion
to the responsibility of the truth, was naturally lost with the prevalence of
Christianity. At the beginning with a direct hit and then with appropriation
and conceptual distortion, which reaches up to our days, where the pro-Aster
Geron Paisios, informs his co-religionists, that supposedly Parrisia is
impudence and drives away the fear of God like smoke that we put on the bees to
get them away from the hive.
The Virtue of Eusebia, according to Homer, is the starting point of all
Virtues. As a word it means to worship, honor, respect. It is the virtue of a
good sense of the obligations of man and of the collective to which he
organically belongs (house, genus, city, nation). Piety is the general ability
of someone to practice respect, that is, to be able to recognize something as
respectable and to be able to to pay him respect. That is, the Virtue of the
respectful and devoted. It is Virtue, which correctly guides man in his
political duties and by extension respect for the Gods. Faithfulness also
concerns due respect to persons and institutions protected by the Gods, e.g.
parents, elders, city leaders as political institutions. Its opposite is Disrespect.
Here the Christians, who were eminently steeped in Godliness, invented, when
they prevailed, a supposed rule of righteousness, claiming that supposedly
"real" Godliness is combined with... faith, love and hope. To
recognize on their part, piety towards the NATIONS, let's not even discuss it,
since according to them all the gods of the nations are demons.
ETHNIC HELLENES - Hellenic Ethnic Religion and Honour.
[This post was triggered by actions of two categories of people with whom I
have specific experience, here in the United States: 1) a few unlettered and
ignorant American polytheists who willfully call themselves
"Hellenes" or "Hellenists" and even demand, with the
insolence that usually distinguishes the worthless, that THEY define Hellenism,
unilaterally and only as a “religion”, interpreting it according to their
misguided opinion, while rejecting its ethnic Greek heritage (all the crazy,
all the unhinged things in America first manifest themselves); 2) Those who I
call the "wiseacres”, that is, those who accept only parts of Hellenism,
such as the philosophy (in fragments), and history, the language, but not the
ancestral religion. It is the atheists and some Epicureans, the modern
Robespierres of so-called knowledge (which in essence is a sophistry), who
consider themselves to be above religious superstitions, as they characterize
the worship of the Hellenic Gods, as if they know about the divine better than
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.]
* What is Hellenism...and what it is not.*
Hellenism is an immense Ideo-universe which, at the level of Gnosis and
understanding, is transformed into a Worldview through which its partakers
interpret and understand, with a specific frame of mind, all the functions of
human existence. It includes the Hellenic Ethnic Religion, Greek philosophy
with special emphasis on political philosophy, ethics and virtues, and the
Hellenic cultural identity (language, tradition, race, history, nationality,
aesthetics, culture, ideology, etc.). As a worldview, Hellenism is complete,
ONE, self-sufficient, independent and of course eternal.
These individual parts of Hellenism are in an organic “kata physein”
relationship with each other, as links in a chain, having a relationship of
overlapping, mutual influence and reciprocity where, strictly speaking, no part
can ever surpass the whole, that is, Hellenism in its collective Oneness.
Hellenism is the gift of the Gods to humanity, one that liberates us from our
spiritual shackles, such as the scourge of ignorance and sophistry, and enables
us to assimilate with the divine.
By definition, Hellenism is ABOVE all religions, such as Christianity and its
subdivisions such as Orthodoxy, above political ideologies and movements, old
and contemporary, and generally above states, organizations, political,
economic, social programs and groups that support them.
From the aforesaid, it is a natural conclusion that anyone who wants to belong
to the vast ideological universe of Hellenism must participate with due respect
and recognition that they share and participate in ALL the elements that make
up and constitute it, and not as a part-time job, piecemeal and as they please.
Proclus, originally from Lycia, Plotinus born Egyptian, the great Julian
emperor and crowned philosopher, Thomas Taylor the Platonist born in London,
were all Hellenes NOT in origin but in their worldview, in Thought and
Behavior, living Hellenism as a Way of Life, participating in spirit and body.
All of the above is an introduction to the following axiom: Any emphasis or
fixation on only one of the subsets of Hellenism, by definition, cannot carry
the name of "Hellenism". The part, any part, cannot be greater than
the whole and any subset of Hellenism, without constant interaction with the
other interdependent subsets. Any part concocted by outsiders, people with no
familiarity let alone real knowledge of the various divisions of Hellenism, to
fit their political agenda, is not OF Hellenism, it is NOT Hellenism but rather
Cultural Appropriation, plain and simple.
The wonderful Greek Philosophy, by itself, cut off from the body of Hellenism,
would be only wonderment, inquiry, contemplation. It would still fill the
individual existence of those who partake in it but would not be part of a
greater Whole that transcends the narrow limits of the individual. So is the
Hellenic Ethnic Religion which, as a subset of Hellenism, promotes, supports,
highlights and assists in its operation. If ever the Hellenic Ethnic Religion
were to separate itself in order to serve other national peoples, or if it
acquired an independent ecumenical identity and claimed a role above the Whole,
like the monotheistic religions have, then, the religion would place itself
OUTSIDE of HELLENISM and would cease to have a reason for its existence (among
the Hellenes).
The relationship of the communicating vessels also characterizes the
interaction of the parts with each other. Greek philosophy is elevated to
divine levels when it goes along with the religious contemplation of the
ancestral religion while the Hellenic Ethnic Religion finds its completion
through the supreme theological approach developed by Plato, Proclus and
Plotinus so that one can characterize philosophy and religion as two souls in
one body, that of Hellenism, and as a single philosophical-religious edifice.
In the other subset of Hellenism, cultural Identity, when cut-off from the
ancestral religion it is an orphan, without solid foundations and prone to the
cognitive dissonance that is emblematic of the Greek/Modern - Greek (2,000
years of being confused or, more correctly, misled).
So in conclusion, those who choose only some elements of Hellenism, as they see
fit, and stay away from the rest of its integral parts, are Apostates of
Hellenism without understanding it - both literally and figuratively, or if
they come from outside of the Greek traditions, determined to only plunder and
cherry-pick elements of the Greek Religion, they are cultural squatters,
carpetbaggers and opportunists.
Hellenism requires respect, thorough knowledge, self-awareness and a clear
choice: Either the entire "Package" or Nothing!
Theodore Kalavesios
[Επίσης για να μπορούν να εκπληρώσουν την αποστολή αυτή, οι πρόγονοί μας υποσχέθηκαν στους Θεούς ότι πάντα θα έχουν έναν έντιμο, τίμιο και ηθικό τρόπο εργασίας.]
We of the Hellenic National Religion & Honor, believe that all languages are a gift of love by the Gods to all the peoples of the world!!
Also in this blog one can find everything about the Hellenic Holy Week by looking for this particular post.
Πιστεύουμε, όπως τα μαντεία έχουν αποκαλύψει σε μας ότι οι Θεοί (Ο Θεός) δώρησε στον Ελληνικό Λαό τα μεγάλα δώρα της Ελληνικής ταυτότητας, Ελληνική γλώσσα, το Ελληνικό πνεύμα και σε αντάλλαγμα (ο Θεός) επέλεξε και ζήτησε από τους 'Ελληνες να παραμείνουν για πάντα Έλληνες και να αναλάβουν την πρόκληση και την αποστολή για τη δημιουργία ενός υψηλού επίπεδου πολιτισμού, για το καλό της ανθρωπότητας και να μοιραστούν αυτό τον πολιτισμό με όλους τους ανθρώπους και λαούς του κόσμου.
Ω Θεός (οι Θεοί), ζήτησε επίσης από τον Ελληνικό Λαό να δώσει τον λόγο του εις αυτόν (αυτούς) ότι θα παραμείνουν πάντα 'Ελληνες, και να
Ο Ελληνικός Λαός με προθυμία δέχτηκε την τιμή, την πρόκληση και την αποστολή που
τους παραχωρείσαι ο Θεός (οι Θεοί) και ως ένδειξη ευγνωμοσύνης και σεβασμού απέναντι
τού Θεού οι πρόγονοί μας έδωσαν το λόγο των και τον όρκο των προς τον Θεό όπως
αυτοί και οι απόγονοί τους, ποτέ δεν θα δείξουν καμία έλλειψη σεβασμού προς τον Θεό (Θεούς) και θα εκπληρώσουν την αποστολή του Θεού και ποτέ δεν θα αποβάλουν τα Θεία δώρα από τη μια γενιά στην επομένη.
Με άλλα λόγια ορκιστεί καν προς τον Θεό ότι θα εκπληρώσουν
την εντολή αυτή και ότι θα προστατεύσουν, διαφυλάξουν, διατηρήσουν και ότι θα παραδώσουν αυτά τα δώρα, στους απογόνους τους, να τα κρατήσουν για πάντα.
Με άλλα λόγια, (ο Θεός) τέθηκε σε διαθήκη (σύμβαση) με τον
Ελληνικό Λαό και θεωρείται ότι είναι αιώνια! Δεν μπορεί να καταργηθεί
επειδή κατ 'αρχήν δεν μπορούν οι Θεοί (ο Θεός) να σπάσουν τις υποσχέσεις τους, - το ότι η διαθήκη διαρκεί για πάντα είναι ο δείκτης της, και έχει βαθύ ρόλο και
χάρη στη θεολογία του αρχαίου Ελληνισμού.
{Για εμάς, ως Ελληνικός Λαός, για να γυρίσουμε την πλάτη μας, να εγκαταλείψουμε αυτά τα μεγάλα δώρα του
Θεού, να εγκαταλείψουμε την αποστολή του Θεού, είναι σαν να εγκαταλείπουμε την υπόσχεσή μας προς τον
θεό, είναι σαν να δείχνουμε ασέβεια και αχαριστία προς το Θεό και αυτό
θεωρείται μεγάλο αδίκημα προς τη θεία χάρη!
Για μας και για την θρησκεία μας, είναι το μεγαλύτερο αδίκημα που μπορεί ένας Έλληνας να διαπράξει.}
Εμείς της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Θρησκείας & Τιμή, πιστεύουμε ότι όλες οι γλώσσες είναι ένα δώρο αγάπης από τους Θεούς σε όλους τους λαούς του κόσμου!
Από αυτή την διαθήκη και μέσω τα " ΑΠΌΚΡΥΦΑ" της, οι Θεοί μας φανερώνουν ότι, προκειμένου για μας, για να είμαστε σε θέση να εκπληρώσουμε την αποστολή αυτή , για να δημιουργήσουμε ένα υψηλότερο επίπεδο πολιτισμού για το καλό όλης της ανθρωπότητας , θα πρέπει πρώτα από όλα να προσπαθήσουμε να γίνουμε καλύτερη άνθρωποι, να γίνουμε πιο γνώστες και να αποκτήσουμε μεγαλήτερη σοφία .
Να κάνουμε προσπάθεια για τη βελτίωση μας , στην αριστεία και την αρετή, σε όλα τα "ανθρώπινα επιτεύγματα" .
Για τα παιδιά μας, το μήνυμα από τα ΑΠΌΚΡΥΦΑ είναι ότι θα πρέπει να προσπαθήσουν να γίνουν άριστοι μαθητές και φοιτητές, αφιερωμένη στην οικογένεια και την κοινότητά τους . Να επιδιώκουν την πειθαρχία, αξιοπρέπεια και τον αυτοσεβασμό, να συμμετέχουν και να συμβάλουν όλο και περισσότερο στα κοινά καθήκοντα και θέματα τις κοινωνίας τους, καθώς μεγαλώνουν και γίνονται πιο σοβαρή & σοφότεροι !
Άγιοι είναι μια χριστιανική δημιουργία!
Saints are a Christian creation!
«Την Υπέρμαχο» είναι δικός μας ελληνικός ύμνος!!
Αγαπητοί μου φίλοι της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Θρησκείας, είναι
καιρός να πάρουμε πίσω ό,τι μας ανήκει.
Πρώτα από όλα είναι ο ύμνος που οι Χριστιανοί αποκαλούν
«Την Υπέρμαχο».....Αγαπητοί μου φίλοι αυτός ο ύμνος είναι καθαρά ελληνικός και
αναφέρεται στη θεά μας Αθηνά.
Οι Χριστιανοί το έκλεψαν και το ερμήνευσαν στα δικά τους
πρότυπα ώστε να έχει ένα χριστιανικό μήνυμα.
Πρέπει οπωσδήποτε να το ερμηνεύσουμε με τις δικές μας
αρχές και αξίες, να το επαναφέρουμε στην πραγματική του μορφή με το πολύ όμορφο
και αληθινό νόημα και συμβολισμό του.
Εμείς οι ασκούμενοι της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Θρησκείας
πρέπει να μάθουμε τα λόγια αυτού του ωραιότερου Ελληνικού ύμνου που είναι
αφιερωμένος στη Θεά μας Αθηνά και πρέπει όλοι μαζί να τον τραγουδάμε στις
κατάλληλες περιστάσεις.
"Tin Υpermacho" is ours; it is a
Hellenic hymn and anthem!!
My dear
friends of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion, it is time to take back all that
belongs to us.
First of all
is the hymn that Christians call "Tin Ypermacho".....My dear friends
this hymn is purely Hellenic and refers to our Goddess Athena.
Christians stole it and interpreted it to their own standards so that it has a
Christian message.
We must
definitely interpret it with our own principles and values; bring it back to
its true form with its very beautiful and true meaning and symbolism.
We the adherents
of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion must learn the words to this most beautiful
Hellenic hymn which is dedicated to our Goddess Athena and we must all together
sing it on the appropriate occasions.
soul which is a condition to healthy living and happiness - Eudemonia/Ευδαιμονία.We are guided in the moral life of perfection and holiness, which is the highest aim of existence of man on Earth.. (Pythagoras 580-500 BC)
Ολοι οι άνθρωποι,εάν ακολουθήσουν την αλήθεια της ψυχής τούς,έχουν απεριόριστη δύναμη να εκπληρώσουν τα όνειρα τους και να επιτύχουν την ατομική τους ολοκλήρωση.
Unfortunately it is almost impossible to receive the necessary assistance from Greece as many learned people tell us that the renaissance and enlightenment has yet to reach the shores of our beloved mother country.
The Hellenic National Religion allows supports and encourages:-
In the Hellenic tradition we believe in reincarnation.
The people(laity) to be the servants - modern day slaves, who work hard, provide all the money (contributions)and the clergy have all the governing power to make all the decisions and issue orders!
The New Testament over the first few hundred years was written, re written and changed and re-molded many times. Many passages were omitted, changed, overhauled and many new ones were made up and included in order to create the Christianity the Church teaches today.
''Children of the Greeks, run to free your homes, your children and your wives and your customs and traditions ( ie. the gods and your faith )
for now, above all excels struggle''!
The first followers of Jesus were Jews and the first Christians were therefore Jewish. Many historians believe that the great Hellenic library of Alexandria was burnt down (totally destroyed) by these Christian Jews.
In later years it was this Christian Jewish movement that infiltrated and penetrated the Roman establishment, influenced and convinced the Roman emperors to establish Christianity as the official religion of the Empire.
It was this Christian Jewish movement which convinced the Roman establishment to strike out and totally destroy the Hellenic National Religion and Hellenic Civilization.
For more information in Greek and English visit
Πραγματική Ελληνική Ιστορία
To read the book "The Holocaust of The Hellenic People" click here
Whether you disagree with my views on Christianity before you make up your mind – watch this you tube video and then decide:-
Just click on this link below:-
For Hellenic Wisdom GO TO
Η Ιουδαιο/Χριστιανική θρησκεία, οι Μάρτυρες του Γιαχωβά οι Μουσουλμάνη και άλλοι, ήταν και είναι ενάντια στον Ελληνισμό, ενάντια στον Ελληνικό πολιτισμό και ενάντια στο Ελληνικό Πνεύμα!
If you want to learn more about the Fathers of the Hellenic People go to :-
Εαν θέλετε να μάθεται περισσότερα για τους "Πνευματικούς Πατέρες του Ελληνικού Λαού πειγένεται στο :
Bringing back to life our Hellenic National Religion and Honor is a much loved work in progress!
We welcome all Hellenes from around the world to participate in this great exciting and enjoyable patriotic challenge.
* In the world of today, mankind will only be saved from its spiral downwards towards a decadent existence from the re awakening of the Holy Hellenic Spirit.
Theological and Cosmological matters
• Christianity has great moral messages, what does your religion offer?
• You are ungrateful! Jesus was crucified for our sins!
• What are your beliefs and what is your Religion called?
• What are the Gods?
• What is the dogma of the Hellenic National religion and Faith?
• What are the Holy Texts of the Hellenic National religion?
• Does the Hellenic National religion engage in proselytizing?
• How many Gods do you have, twelve?
• Are you therefore Polytheists?
• Do you want to replace the one God of the monotheists with many Gods?
• How is polytheism different to monotheism?
• What do you mean by the term Cosmotheasis?
• Are you idolaters? If you aren't, then how do you justify the use of statues in your worship?
• Are you Pagans?
• Some make fun of the Hellenic National religion by referring to the wanton sexual practices of the Gods. How do you respond to this?
• Why don't you ask to be recognized as an 'official religion'?
• You state that you represent not only a Hellenic system of beliefs, but Ethnic (National) Hellenic religion itself. You must realize that State recognition is not possible, because there will be insurmountable problems regarding a number of issues, e.g., the legal ownership of archaeological sites.
• There are some who insist that cultivated ancient Hellenes were in fact monotheists.
• Does the Hellenic National religion have a 'professional' priesthood?
• Do your ceremonies have specific conventions?
• Can women become priestesses?
• Do you seriously believe that the Gods live on Mount Olympus?
Regarding Ethnic Hellenic Celebrations and Ceremonies
• What is your view of the modern Olympic Games?
• Which occasions do you celebrate? When and how do you celebrate them?
• Why sacrifice?
• Do you perform blood sacrifices?
• Is it true that the ancient Hellenes performed human sacrifices?
General and political questions.
What is the aim of the Hellenic National Religion & Honor-Faith ?
We seek the moral support of our own people, as well as the re-establishment of the true native, polytheistic Hellenic tradition, religion and way of living in modern Greek society, which is ruled by the Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire) of an Orthodox Church with which Hellenism is irreconcilable.
We strive by all legal means available to familiarize the Hellenic people with the need to respect, preserve, and protect, both morally and literally, their heritage. To facilitate the restoration and elevate our monuments, symbols, ideals and living forms of our Traditions to their rightful place. Whilst taking into account the universal significance, cultural and philosophical values of the Hellenic National religion - fine arts, customs, values, language, mythology, symbolism, literature etc."
We are based on a foundation of goodwill and motivation. We strive for the cooperation not only of individuals but of already organized groups, to produce a valid and generally applicable collective approach to modern Greek reality.
We would like to see the establishment of new movements in every corner of Hellas and the Hellenic speaking world !
Why do you refer to yourselves as 'Ethnikoi' - Nationalist-
In general, the term Ethnikos refers to those who live and conduct themselves in accordance with their native identity and values. A more specific definition refers to those who do not reject their identity, due to conversion to one of the introduced monotheistic creeds (viz. Christianity and Islam).
Judaism, the parent of the above mentioned faiths, refers to all non-Jews as Goyim (gentiles) - (beasts). This term was mistranslated by the Alexandrian interpreters of the Septuagint as 'ta Ethnoi' (the nations) or 'hoi Ethnikoi', in Greek and 'Gentiles' in Latin. We elevate and purify the term by 'returning' it to its original meaning. Hence, maintaining the differences it implies between us and the followers of the Abrahamic faiths and their associated values.
The word 'Hellene' should suffice to describe what we refer to as 'Ethnikoi (Nationalist) Hellenes'. Unfortunately, this term has been denigrated and improperly used in identifying the majority Christian Orthodox subjects of a State that uses the adjective 'Hellenic' in violation of its initial meaning.
What do you think you will achieve by returning to the Ancient Ways in today's society?
We do not just strive for a superficial return to the 'ancient ways', but on the contrary, for the return of a different kind of person, Hellenic Man, who will be governed by humanistic values, as were first expressed and exhibited by our ancestors. A type of man who will journey on the path of Virtue.
We struggle for the humanization of today's savage society, based on eternal Hellenic values and principles that lead man to the creation of civilization, spiritual cultivation, wide-ranging interests and tolerance. This will make him a worthy companion of the Gods.
Today more than ever, humanity, which has been trapped with few available exits, needs to rediscover the ancient values, in order to escape the spiritual and moral swamp it has sunk to.
What are your political proposals?
Even though we do not have a political agenda, we have by definition an authentic 'political' position that was handed down by our forefathers. This is none other than the active participation of citizens in public life, their self-rule and Democracy.
Real Democracy existed under one name or another in all Hellenic Poleis (cities), excepting the archetypical tyrannocracies and monarchies of the Hellenistic period. It is defined by equality of legal, political and civil rights as well as the right to free speech and assembly.
Self-rule is our birthright and was expressed by the Assembly of Citizens (Ecclesia of Demos, Apella etc.), which was the highest legislative body. Positions of authority (including the priesthood) were not occupied by 'professional' office-bearers, but were held by citizens rotated annually, who held office only once. They received minimal material compensation for their services. No one had the right to exploit their position to forcefully dominate others. Hence, the status of the Citizen was guaranteed even in times of war, where there was no possibility for the declaration of 'emergency measures' under martial law.
It is obvious from what was discussed under the heading 'What are your political proposals? that communism & fascism, and other totalitarian ideologies, have no right to refer to pre-Christian Hellenism.
In the past, true Hellenism had been defeated and could not defend itself against fascists with a selfish agenda e, who crudely exploited it in an attempt to derive prestige from our ancestral glory. Christians also refer to Hellenism in a dishonest and indecent way, in order to support the foundations of their beliefs.
The 'Greek Left', which is Byzantine and Christian in its outlook (with a few exceptions, e.g., Papaioannou and Lentakes) is responsible for most recent violations. They have given the noble world, which gave rise to self-determination and Democracy, to fascists on a platter.
Just as Christianity has nothing in common with Hellenism, neither do all its ideological offshoots, such as communism and fascism. How could a fascist or communist conform to the basic Hellenic Principles of Justice and Tolerance?
Do you believe that modern Greeks are the natural descendants of the ancient Hellenes?
At a national level, yes. This is what the revolutionaries of 1821 believed, as evidenced by their first declarations, where they appealed for a National Hellenic revival, after approx. 20 centuries of foreign oppression.
Hellenic consciousness had survived in isolated pockets during Byzantine tyranny, as can be seen clearly in the case of Plethon Gemistos and his associates, or the earlier movement of Leon Sgouros. This was further reinforced in Greece during the 17th and 18th century Enlightenment and various revolutionary movements.
It has to be understood that an Ethnos is not invalidated by circumstances that lead to its non-expression. To survive, it is enough for a small number of its followers to express it and keep it alive. In the case of the Hellenic Ethnos, this occurred during centuries of Christian and Muslim occupation.
Are modern Greeks the genetic descendants of the classical Hellenes?
Some yes, some no, but this is irrelevant. The racialists on both sides can ramble on and claim that we are 100% Slavic, or whatever else, as can those who want to portray us as the pure descendants of Aeakus. However, the true Hellenes did not refer to 'race' (it would have been comical, since at the time this term applied to a small group of 'clans'). Admittedly, a racial consciousness existed in the classical period, which lacks credibility today, given that before and after 1821 other racial groups were absorbed, many of whose number can only be described as 100% Hellenic. We have always existed as a Hellenic people.
Despite Kolokotrones and many other heroes being of Arvanite extraction, by our standards they are certainly Hellenes, since they shed their blood in the name of Hellas. What clown could deny Kolokotrones, Nikitaras and Androutsos their Hellenic identity, based on racial definitions? The domestic racialists owe us a convincing explanation for this crude oxymoron.
What is your position on National Issues?
That depends on what is meant by the term 'National', because regarding the real issues our views are very specific.
The real National Issues are the deforestation and gradual desertification of the Eastern Mediterranean, the complete lack of aesthetic sensitivity, our general enslavement to an inhuman religion, the practical illiteracy of our young, the frightening lack of proper Education, let alone an Hellenic one, the cultivated lack of spiritual expression, reservation of personality, the wretchedness of the media, the cowardice of politicians, the incompetence and corruption of government etc.
Some fall into the trap of setting traps for others, by referring to 'National Issues' centered solely on expanding the rule of the Modern Greek State. This confidence trick is related to the swindle that considers innumerable Hellenic-descended people as Turks or Italians, simply because they are not Orthodox Christians and do not reside within the borders of the Modern Greek State.
An Ethnos is not defined simply on the basis of a country's political borders and may be smaller or greater than that defined by them. We therefore inform those who would present issues centered on which state a piece of land or sea belongs to as 'National'; that the Pontians, the Muslim converts of Asia Minor, the latinized Southern Italians and the native Pomaks belong to the Hellenic Ethnos. Whereas, many Orthodox Christians, who just happened to fall within certain borders, do not belong to it. The state idiotically and dishonestly defies historical facts and with great cunning identifies 'Hellenism' with 'Christian Orthodoxy', for itself and the Church it serves.
Theological and Cosmological matters.
Christianity has great moral messages, what does your religion offer?
The few instances where Christianity shows some spirituality are no more than crude, unsophisticated copies of the moral values first espoused by our philosophers in ancient Hellas.
The remaining Christian teachings lack any real moral content, unless religious intolerance, fanaticism, religiosity, guilt and contempt for spiritual cultivation can be considered as such.
Similarly, Christianity lacks any spiritual value that is equal to that of the Hellenic National religion, unless by this we mean rote learning of psalms, humiliation, insulting Democracy as 'Civitas Diaboli', exhortations to 'love!' (in the imperative mood) and slogans such as 'Orthodoxy or Death!'
The Hellenic National religion in comparison, is non-dogmatic, naturalistic, polytheistic, clearly defined, celebratory and human. It is an affirmation of earthly life and a healthy striving to approach the realm of the Gods. It deepens the link between humanity and the Divine, not with destruction and humiliation, but through joyous rituals, myth-creation, dance, music and communal celebrations, which link us to the wonderful spiritual world of our ancestors, instead of alienating us from it, like Christianity.
You are ungrateful! Jesus was crucified for our sins!
To begin with, we National Hellenes are not burdened by some ancestral sin and our philosophers have securely guided us, with dignity, on the path of Virtue. We therefore have no need for someone to act on, or indeed against, our behalf, let alone to be 'sacrificed' for us. We do not believe we were born sinners!
In addition, Yeshua's supposed 'sacrifice on our behalf', that Christian propaganda rams down our throats, is an absurd story. If the above mentioned Judaeo preacher (Jesus - Yeshua) was indeed 'God', then his crucifixion would be no more than a meaningless prank, as by definition only what is perishable and mortal can be sacrificed.
On the other hand, the philosopher Socrates, whose existence is an historical fact, conquered death and with frankness and serenity did not avoid it, even though he could. Not from a desire to sacrifice himself nor because he wanted a martyr's end, but as a living example of respect for the Law. And this despite knowing that he was a mere mortal. The philosopher Epictetus characteristically wrote: ". They may kill me, but they cannot cause me harm".
What are your beliefs and what is your Religion called?
What we mean by 'belief' has little relation to what Christians understand by the term 'faith', the definition of which today clearly relates to a form of subservience. Naturally having said this, we, as was the case with our ancestors, cannot be described as not having beliefs. However, our ancestors preferred to use the verb nomizein (to think) and the related term nomizomenon (what is thought of, or understood). To make ourselves clearer today, we refer to the 'perception' of the Gods and the Cosmos. National Hellenes perceive the Cosmos to be a self-created, infinite, "ordered and adorned" entity that arose from within itself, and that we, and everything else in existence, are but infinitely small organic parts of this entity.
Our Gods are a multitude of apportioned immortal beings, self-energizing and self-sufficient 'forces', not personalities, that inhabit this 'Unity' that gave birth to itself. They are the multiple expressions of this Unity that give substance and order to the Cosmos and keep it interconnected and harmonious. (Collectively all our Gods represent the powers of nature, that make up the Cosmos - together they represent the one true God of Nature).
In the healthy pre-Christian human state, the Earth's surface teemed with a polymorphic Ethnosphere. By this we mean a beautiful variety of indigenous civilizations, traditions and religions that were distributed in every part of the world. Each unique Nation understood the Divine differently and appealed to the Gods using a variety of names. Hence, the various Native Religions became unique in themselves and every Nation, and its spiritual descendants, 'brought down' elements of the Godly realm to their altars, as appropriate to their particular needs. Our understanding of the Divine is the same as that of our ancestors, and is expressed by our Religion, whose origins are lost in remote antiquity.
What are the Gods?
Because of today's degeneracy, before this question is answered we must reiterate what was emphasized by Sallustius, at the beginning of his work "On Gods and the Cosmos", i.e., that those with a desire to know about the Gods need to have been educated correctly and not to have been brought up with absurd beliefs. To have a good disposition and logical composition, so that they can accordingly understand matters as well as comprehend common meanings.
The Gods are non-personal beings, possessing both knowledge and immortality. They flow unhindered through and around the whole material world and act upon it. As functionaries of the sacred Mysteries, they participate in 'eternal formation', i.e., the continuous synthesis and de-synthesis of forms. The Gods' spheres of influence do not overlap. They are responsible for the regulation of the Natural World, whose laws they serve. They act flawlessly and without retreat, are not replaced, do not cease to exist, and cannot be defeated by the appetites and expectations of impious mortals or institutions.
The Gods are free and independent entities. They are all equally Divine and are not empowered by any other being or force. They rejoice when inferior entities freely recognize their existence and bestow upon them honor and respect. They do not however need this recognition, nor do they seek it. As Gods they want nothing, they simply shape whatever they desire.
What is the dogma of Ethnic Hellenic religion?
For today's Christians, the prevailing view of what is meant by 'dogma' is a complete distortion of the ancient term that meant a particular philosophical position. Their definition includes a blind faith in the Trinitarian nature of the 'one God', incomprehensible even to them, the dual nature of Yeshua (Jesus) etc. Naturally, Hellenic National religion has no 'dogma' by this definition, but is rather a way of perceiving things. It is therefore not a confusing compilation of pseudo-theological narratives, but is based instead on very specific principles, in turn derived from logic and scientific knowledge, Hellenic tradition and civilization.
Our 'dogma' includes: the obligation we all have to speak and act logically as a mark of respect for Universal Reason, our honest relationship with all living beings, tolerance towards all views that are expressed logically, education through life-experience, respect for measure, the continuous study of the Cosmos and Humanity.
What are the Holy Texts of Ethnic Hellenic religion?
We don't have one sacred book containing the commands or revelatory words of 'God', whose purpose is to regulate humanity's servile obedience to a celestial dictator. On the contrary, the large number of our texts, numbering many thousands, presents the truth in its entirety. Sacred texts are for us the whole corpus of (ancient) Hellenic Learning, at least those works that have survived the sinister flames of Christian pyres (fire). These texts are the condensation of human reasoning in its attempts to validly interpret the Cosmos in a way liked by the Gods, that is, logically.
Does Hellenic National religion engage in proselytizing?
Certainly not, we are dealing here with a clearly ethnic polytheistic (natural) religion, that is to say one that concerns a very specific Ethnos.
The phenomenon of proselytism belongs exclusively to the anti-ethnic and 'ecumenical' monotheistic religions. Their aim is to foster a denial of previously held correct views and replace them with novel alien ones. Proselytism involves crude attempts to misguide naive and spiritually weak people. To us it is wholly detestable, both as a means to an end and as a way of making a point.
We are enemies of all forms of proselytism, because it nullifies autonomy and free will. In our country, all foreign religions engage in proselytism, including the ruling one that practices it with especial audacity, calling it 'catechism' (and even emphases the 'importance of catechism' in the state education system). The outrageous laws of the Metaxas dictatorship granted 'Christian Orthodoxy' the sole right to proselytize, making it unlawful for its competition. All forms of proselytism are raw violent attacks against human liberty.
How many Gods do you have, twelve?
The Gods as infinite expressions of Unity are naturally multiple and most certainly exceed twelve in number. However, our religion confines itself to a complete and harmonious symbolic Pantheon of six Gods and six Goddesses. This Pantheon expresses a perfect, divine quintessence (the number 12 symbolizes completeness and perfection) that fulfills and bonds the Cosmos. It is also symbolized by the 'most perfect' of the famous Pythagorean canonical polyhedral, the dodecahedron.
Are you therefore Polytheists?
We can answer in the affirmative, but should first reiterate that the terms 'monotheism', 'polytheism' etc. are used only as conventions, as in reality the monotheists invented these terms to distinguish themselves from normal humanity. Since humanity never doubted the multiplicity of the Universe, we use 'polytheism' simply to contrast ourselves from the so-called 'monotheists'.
Unity cannot exist without the presupposition of the 'many'. The term is misleading because it has nothing to do with the number of Gods per se, but rather the placing of the Creative Cause outside the Cosmos, which in turn implies its creation from naught (a completely unscientific thesis). Monotheists believe that the laws governing the Universe emanate from the only external, eternal being. This justifies the 'Creator's' right to act autocratically towards 'his' own creation, which has a beginning and will die at some time, as per 'his' desire.
In contrast, our ethnic polytheistic religion assert that the living Cosmos has emanated from within itself and is eternal. There is no external 'Cause' that created all from nothing. The Gods are self-reliant and conscious forces, who are multiple expressions of Unity, emanate from within it and serve its perpetual path.
Do you want to replace the one God of the monotheists with many Gods?
Not really. The restoration of The Hellenic National religion involves more than just changing names and replacing a few idiots with more logical people. There needs to be a simultaneous change in the currently sick way the Cosmos is perceived. The Hellenes carefully define their relationships with the natural environment, their fellow humans and internal universe. For us Man, Nature and the Gods are part of an inseparable organic union, whereas for monotheists the relationships between Man, Nature and 'God' are in perpetual conflict.
How is polytheism different to monotheism?
The chasm that separates the two centers on where the Divine is placed in relation to the Cosmos and on the type of person each one shapes. Let us not forget, as Louis Menard noted, that the belief in an autocratic heaven gave rise to earthly monarchies and autocracies, whereas celestial 'Democracy and Equality' was mirrored on Earth.
In monotheistic religions 'God' (i.e., Yahweh) exists outside a Universe that 'he' allegedly created from nothingness, at some point in time, which 'He' has ruled unchecked ever-since. For polytheists the Gods are found within the Cosmos and are concerned only with its perpetual expression, subject to Logic and Anangke (i.e. Necessity). Anangke is the natural and moral Cause that inevitably compels Nature into a rhythmic energy that regulates all that has occurred and will occur.
Hence, a Cosmos without Logic is incomplete, which is why the Gods voluntarily submit to the Cosmic Laws that have been shaped from within it. This in turn leads to perfection in the Gods, who by definition cannot shape something that is flawed. The natural and existing Hellenic Gods can be approached with logical human reason. By comparison, the unnatural and non-existent 'God' of the monotheists can only be expressed by derangement of the Universe's logical arrangement via various 'miracles', for which they senselessly seem especially proud. 'Miracles' are forceful violations of the logical, natural order of the Universe, which essentially demonstrate the flawed nature of Yahweh, as the creator of an imperfect creation.
What do you mean by the term Cosmotheasis?
This is translated with great difficulty into English. The term Cosmos is used by Greek-speaking Christians to refer to the 'world' and society in general. In these articles the term Cosmos is returned to its original Hellenic meaning and is used interchangeably with 'Universe'. These concepts are almost impossible to understand from a Christian perspective, which may explain why for centuries the "... Earth [was] flat and the center of God's creation." Cosmotheasis means much more than 'worldview' (Weltanschauung), as it encompasses the concept that all in existence (including the Gods) functions as a harmonious 'Oneness' (Unity). The Cosmos is intelligent and sacred in itself. Nothing can perceivably exist outside it, including the Christian 'God'.
The meaning of the term Cosmo-theasis is implied by its two components. It is the way that one views (theasis), or perceives the Cosmos. The result of the specific 'theasis' of each Ethnos (Nation) is the Cosmology, Religion, Philosophy and everyday Customs that it leads to. Understanding Cosmotheasis is therefore very important, since it influences the type of people, system of government and culture that is developed by each Ethnos.
Are you idolaters? If you aren't, then how do you justify the use of statues in your worship?
By proper definition 'Idolatry' is any homage paid to the Divine that uses 'idols' i.e., the conventional portrayal of the Gods in the form of icons, statues or symbols. This is the only serious method of approaching the Sacred. Without visible representation of the inaccessible and faceless Divinities, it becomes difficult for man to perceive them. Having understood this concept, most Christians also practice 'idolatry'. However, for them it took rivers of blood during the massacres between iconoclasts and iconolaters to comprehend this.
The terms 'Idolater' and 'Idolatry' were used insultingly to mock and belittle the Religion of our liberal-minded ancestors, in the Christian war against the Hellenes. The early Christian 'Fathers' hated Hellenism, but were unable to logically attack Philosophy and counter the strong Religion of the Hellenic Ethnos. They therefore tried to make fun of it by accusing our ancestors of worshipping the materials used in their representations (rocks, marble, clay, wood etc). Their methods of attack were completely foolish and easily countered by the philosopher Kelsus (in 'The True Word'). He sarcastically informed then that the Ethnikoi Hellenes knew very well the materials they used to represent their Gods, and that it was what was represented that was actually honored, not the materials per se. As such, the Church's official definition of the word 'Idolatry' is not that which is shared externally with the flock.
According to the 'Three Hierarchs' our Gods are 'non-existent', but at the same time (in contradiction to the above) exist as entities struggling against Yeshua and Yahweh. It is at this point that the Christians begin to crudely insult our ancestral Religion, Gods and religious symbols, as being parts of an alleged demonolatry.
Are you Pagans?
The term 'Pagan', which in the original Latin is derived from Paganus (peasant), is yet another insult used by the victorious Christians since the 4th Century A.D., to belittle what remained of the Native Religions.
They used this to label all those remaining loyal to their National Ethnic Traditions, to imply that they were uneducated and uncouth villagers. The term was used for centuries in most European languages to refer to the Ethnikoi (Nationalists). In the 20th Century, it was reintroduced with the suffix neo (viz. Neopaganism), by various Christian-inspired devotees of Esotericism and the New Age. 'Neopaganism' doesn't concern us. It may even be a manufactured ploy to detract from the current world rule of the so-called 'Monotheists'.
Some make fun of the Ethnic Hellenic National religion by referring to the wanton sexual practices of the Gods. How do you respond to this?
We simply pity them, because of the degenerate level of their boundless stupidity. Our Gods and Goddesses are not personalities, nor do they have a gender that would allow them to participate in physical practices necessary for mortals.
We Ethnikoi Hellenes, describe the Gods anthropomorphically simply because the High Theology contained within the Myths (mysteries) can be better appreciated when it is changed into a more comprehensible language, conforming to human measures. Every Myth hides within it one of many profound symbolism. Mortals are invited to seek and research them according to their quality, which is dependent on their Understanding of the Cosmos and Education. It is not surprising therefore, that when vulgar people bring a Myth down to their base level they interpret it accordingly.
Why don't you ask to be recognized as an 'official religion'?
We don't think there is an issue of recognition, or otherwise, of our Ethnic Hellenic religion by some petty state authority, requiring an application, as if we were some small monotheistic sect. The existence of our ancestral polytheistic Religion is by rights just, as it is indigenous, native, historically well known and much older than any other religion, including today's ruling creed.
Despite the fact that the freedom to practice religion, in Hellas, is 'guaranteed' by Law 2462/97- Article 18, we assert without discussion, that our inherited Olympic Hellenic Religion, as practiced by law-abiding citizens of good reputation, is the only natural Religion of the Hellenic Ethnos. Its public recognition by society, after 16 centuries of banishment by the anti-Hellenic emperors of New Rome - Byzantium (Eastern Roman Empire), is more than just a matter of 'legality' involving approval by some petty authority, but a de facto acceptance by modern Greek society. A narrow 'legal' recognition of our Hellenic National religion is not only improper, but also insulting. Such proceedings would include the absurd premise that there is a requirement for the consent of an autocratic foreign creed. It is comical to think that in our country a recently arrived monotheistic sect would deem our ancient Religion unlawful.
When the time comes, and it will come, when we are officially recognized by the Modern Greek State, this must occur by an Act voted in triumphantly by the Greek Parliament, as was the case with the Ethnic religions of Iceland and Lithuania.
You state that you represent not only a Hellenic system of beliefs, but Ethnic Hellenic religion itself. You must realize that State recognition is not possible, because there will be insurmountable problems regarding a number of issues, e.g., the legal ownership of archaeological sites.
We are well aware of the current state of affairs. Nevertheless, the dynamic existence of an indigenous religious community cannot depend on its recognition by a regime that, by its own admission, blindly obeys the commands of a hostile ruling creed. Consequently, so-called 'official recognition' is not our problem, but solely that of the modern Greek State, which due to its voluntary submission to the Christian Church bears sole responsibility for the absurd state of religious affairs in our country.
The Government has a duty to: 'de-mediaevalise' modern Greek society as soon as is possible, institutionally and financially distance itself from a Church that has illegally acquired its boundless assets, make monasticism unlawful etc. The legal ownership of these properties is not that important, but should remain with the State.
Shrines must be re-erected and the burning of Styrax returned to our Sacred Sites!
There are some who insist that cultivated ancient Hellenes were in fact monotheists.
These people are common hustlers, trying to take advantage of the ignorance surrounding the true nature of their so-called 'monotheism'. There were no monotheistic Hellenes. Those who allege this idiocy are projecting their own Christian beliefs onto a fundamentally different world. In fooling themselves they drag other simple, semi-literates down to their level.
Does the Hellenic National religion have a 'professional' priesthood?
There was never a 'professional' priesthood in our Ethnic Hellenic religion, as far as mainstream religious practices go, which were both public and personal. In antiquity 'professional priests' were only employed as soothsayers and in the mystery forms of the religion, the details of which have been lost and cannot be practiced today.
For the time being, in the modern practice of the Hellenic National religion any moral individual, who is able to respectfully face the Gods, can fulfill priestly obligations. In contrast to the Christian clergy who pretend they are their 'God's' agents, the elected priests of the Ethnikoi act as representatives of their community to the Godly realm.
However if the need arises to have an organized priesthood, we see no problem in this becoming a reality.
Do your ceremonies have specific conventions?
Yes of course. The conventions of today's religious practices have been distilled from the diligent study of ancient sources. They have been constructed to cover the spiritual requirements of modern Ethnikoi, without binding them to compulsory and inflexible formulae as this is an evolving process of bringing back our religion to the modern world.
Can women become priestesses?
Women aren't just involved in ceremony but the Gods themselves have directed their participation. In addition to everything having a dual nature, our Pantheon is symbolically half-composed of six Goddesses. Women being closer to Nature's cycles are especially privileged to be able to bring forth life from within their bodies.
Do you seriously believe that the Gods live on Mount Olympus?
Olympus is indeed the symbolic spiritual abode of the Olympian Gods. However, it is not the well-known mountain separating Thessaly from Macedonia on whose peak our ancestors built alters, knowing full well that it could not therefore be the Gods' literal abode. There were 18 other mountains also called Olympus in distant places inhabited by Hellenes, from Asia Minor to the colonies in the West.
The true Olympus was and is a Divine place, a celestial 'land' that is bathed in Spiritual Light. In fact the word Olympus is derived from the verb 'Lampo' (I radiate), whose archaic root is probably proto-Pelasgian. The sublime Olympus lies above us, below us and within us. Our Gods are everywhere!
Regarding Ethnic Hellenic Celebrations and Ceremonies
What is your view of the modern Olympic Games?
We are opposed to such games, because they are falsely named and have no relationship with the authentic and living spirit of our ancestors, the true Hellenes. They are also quite a world apart from the initial romanticism that justified their creation and revival by non-Greeks, about a century ago. The majority of them were monotheists, ignorant of the real essence of the Games (i.e., their religious nature). Today they are a vulgar commercialization that profoundly insults the symbols and beliefs of our ancestors, who honored with their theology the Sublime, the True and the Beautiful.
Even the name of our religion (Olympic, Olympian) has been turned into a trademark and the local representatives of this blasphemy have made pathetic caricatures of our Gods, Apollo and Athena.
The real Olympic Games, as the pre-eminent symbol-institution of our inherited Cosmotheasis, were abolished by the Byzantine (Eastern Roman Empire) invaders 16 centuries ago. If they are ever re-established, it will be in all their grandeur along with the revival of the culturally enslaved, for 22 centuries, Hellenic Ethnos. All other 'resurrections' have been, are and will be comical or profane.
Which occasions do you celebrate? When and how do you celebrate them?
Enough information has survived to allow us to celebrate the most important festivals of our ancestors, which centered on the never-ending cycles of Mother Nature (e.g., the Anthesteria). During our celebrations, ceremonies are held in honor of the Gods and the commemoration of our Heroes. Our rituals are performed according to ancient custom with the summoning of the Deity, the recital of hymns and bloodless sacrifice. The latter involves offerings of flowers, fruit, incense, perfume and appropriate libations of wine, milk or honey.
Why sacrifice?
Any act honoring the Gods involves sacrifice, otherwise it becomes a parody. The theology behind sacrifice is based on Communion and Reason. These are both gifts for which the Gods are paid their dues by mortals, in the form of various sustenance-giving riches, taken from Nature.
We could say that the essence of sacrifice is to seek the Gods' consent for the consumption on which the life of mortal beings is based. The philosopher Sallustius, in 'On the Gods and the Cosmos' emphasizes that "...since we have received everything from the Gods, and it is right to pay the giver some tithe of his gifts, we pay such a tithe of possessions. Prayers without sacrifices are only words, with sacrifices they are live words; the word gives meaning to the life, while the life animates the word."
Do you perform blood sacrifices?
There are two types of sacrifices, those involving the letting of blood (i.e., the slaughter of an animal that is later eaten during the festive meal) and blood-less ones. Both are equally sacred. However today, the sacredness of the former is not easily appreciated, because humanity has distanced itself from nature and consumes meat slaughtered savagely with mechanical devices, bought in supermarkets and packaged in plastic. This is why we only persist with the practice of blood-less sacrifice.
The 'accusation' made by Christians regarding blood sacrifice is dishonest and hypocritical. It is simply made to defame us to those who don't know a lot about our Ethnic religion. The Christians, who non-sacrificially slaughter millions of sheep and turkeys during their own celebrations, have few problems with their conscience.
Is it true that the ancient Hellenes performed human sacrifices?
This is just another disgusting, Christian lie. With the exception of mythological narratives, Ethnic Hellenic religious ceremonies NEVER included human sacrifice. Our Religion is innately and instinctively related to philosophy, science and all the other cultural achievements of our ancestors, whilst encompassing the most illustrious, historical approach to the Divine. It was this specific religion and world-view that discovered and expressed the meaning of Humanism. Therefore, even the mere suggestion of human sacrifice is absurd, from every perspective.
Sacrifice, as mentioned above, is the sacred act of communion of mortals with the Gods and a thanksgiving for Nature's riches, involving an offering made by the former to the latter. It is therefore obvious to even the simplest, serious person that this cannot include human victims.
A few endeavour to convince others that the massacre of Persian captives by Themistocles, before the naval battle of Salamis, and the use of some condemned criminals as pharmakoi were 'human sacrifices'. Excepting Hellas-haters, all those who know about our ancestors should also know that there is NO recorded instance of official religious practice involving human sacrifice, in any of the independent, autonomous Hellenic Poleis (cities) - something confirmed by archaeological research. All references to such rituals belong exclusively to the world of mythological narrative.
Minas Savvas, Ph.D.
Professor of American Literature and Creative Writing
San Diego State University, California
I was invited as a participant in a panel discussion entitled “The Future of Hellenism in America.” The other panelists were a professor of philosophy and a professor of ancient history. The professor of philosophy spoke about the modem borrowings and inspirations that sprang from the glorious achievements of the ancient Greeks. He enumerated some of the plays, operas, musical compositions and artistic works in subsequent centuries that would not have been possible without the legacy of Hellenism. The historian, the only non-Greek in the panel, echoed the philosopher, praised the ancient thinkers that all people must cherish and expressed his optimism for the Hellenic ideals.
When my turn came, I spoke about Greek America by reminding the audience that we are addressing our remarks on the future of genuine Greekness. Pessimism, of course, has never been popular, so I was obliged to qualify my remarks by explaining that my kind of Hellenism is not just history and culture in their bare reality, in their invulnerable substance. Such Hellenism is bound to survive, in spite of the barbarians at the gates – the afrocentrsts, multiculturalists and cultural relativists. My Hellenism, I explained, is impassioned knowledge. It is a compulsive affection, not unconditional (as chauvinism would be) but persistent and true. It is getting a lump in your throat when the Greek national anthem is heard or when you read some lines from George Seferis or Yiannis Ritsos. It is the Hellenism that will bring those involuntary tears to your eyes when a Greek village girl stands on the Olympic winner’s platform while the Greek flag is raised and the flutters on the high mast. It is the gloating and rejoicing when you read Sappho’s lyrics or Thucydides judicious prose. It is the urge to wish to fight back when you hear or read Greece and the Greeks are unfairly denigrated. {It would be chauvinism, however, if one did so when the criticism was fair}.
Far from chauvinism, my Hellenism is an instinctive, patriotic love for a vulnerable, much-tormented, achievement-rich, little country where I first saw the sun’s light. Yes, I am cautiously pessimistic about my kind of Hellenism in, say, the year 2060. What with intermarriage [ estimates of Greeks marrying outside of their ethnic origin now range from 65% to 80% ], with no migrants from Greece, and with the third and fourth generation having their consciousness rapidly and most noticeably diminish, I see no light in the end of the proverbial tunnel.
While some of us among the more ethnically vigilant, for instance, puffed our chests with pride because a Greek by the name of Tom Pappas was to represent the United States in the decathlon in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, the blond athlete himself was hardly aware that he was Greek. An article a few months after the Olympics, in the weekly The Greek American who interviewed him, pointed out that, “Toms only connection to his Greekness was his name.” (December 9-10, 2000). Tom is, in my view, the mainstream direction of the future, and, judging from similar examples, the future in some respects is already here.
Projections indeed suggest that even by 2040 Greek-American communities as we know them will be shadows of their former selves. AHEPA, the Pan Cretans, the Pan Arcadians, and other such organizations are already becoming geriatric. The lament “Where are the young? Is constant and persistent in specifically Hellenic organizations. Intermarriage and assimilation, already rampant, are bound to increase and though Greek names will still remain and may raise a knowing eyebrow or two, the throbbing musculature of Hellenism, that which is informed by passion and pride, is on its way to becoming a crumbling, osteoporotic skeleton. In certain pockets of America, I presume, even 50 years from now, we will still have the superficially Greek parochial festivals, with those Hellenes who are largely attracted by the catnip of mousaka and tsamiko. Yet, even these, I predict, will be smaller than and only remotely as Greek as we have come to know them in the twentieth century.
As for the role of the Greek Orthodox Church (if it will still be called “Greek Orthodox”), it will have – as it has for almost three decades – turned its back to ethnicity in general. I know there are exceptions, but the liturgy performed increasingly in English , the Church’s distance from secular celebrations, the galloping multiplications of converts, in both clergy and laity, should lead us to some conspicuous conclusions. Patriarch Bartholomeo's recent unfortunate comment that the Church needs to be divorced from Hellenism is indeed a portent of the future. That the Phanar recently did not permit the patriotic Archbishop Christodoulos to lead the Greek Independence parade in New York should not surprise us.
( The Greek Orthodox Church around the world seems no longer to have a policy of maintaining and keeping alive the Hellenic identity, language, culture or Hellenic heritage. It is now only interested in expanding the number of Orthodox Christians in its ranks, it now only seems to have / has a religious universal role.
Though my cynicism does not consort with some strident anti-clerical Greeks who think of the Church as the perennial enemy of Hellenism, there are those who will even argue that in general the Church in America has been trying to subvert Hellenism for decades, forgetting the inextricable connection of the language of the Gospels with the essence of Orthodoxy or of the importance of Hellenic (even if pagan - Hellenic National Religion and Faith) thought to the precepts of the early fathers and of Greek Orthodox theology. But I do surmise that here and there in the Orthodox churches of the future there will still be encouragement for those festivals. Such celebrations, after all, will help to raise funds and those for whom the name Aristotle can only mean Onassis will be parishioners who will have to understand that such ethnic affairs must emphasize more than Hellenism and that in themselves they are unnecessary to being a good Orthodox steward.
I hope, of course, that I am mistaken in my pessimism. And I do wish that my optimism were not so overwhelmed by my pessimism. Oh, yes, I do hope that if there is light at the end of the tunnel it is not the oncoming train. I even could here find it possible to light a candle, besides cursing the darkness. Though diluted and with some of the passion diminished, genuine Greekness may survive with people, Greek or non-Greek, who will concentrate on its values and its ideals. Some of the young Orthodox converts may indeed see beyond the religiosity; some non-Greek mates may move beyond the culinary and such and become truly interested in the essence of their partner’s ethnicity.
Non-Greeks, in general, may indeed out-Hellenize the shallow Hellenes as they become what Isocrates called “participants in our education” (“tis imeteras paideias metehontes”). In turn (and I have met such people) they may indeed promulgate the glory and ideals of Hellenism with an intellectual (even if not patriotic) zeal. It may be that our secular organizations will soon be alarmed enough to institute and subsidize schools – tutorial or of any other kind – that will teach the young their Hellenic heritage and culture. Perhaps, as well, such organizations will initiate closer and more frequent contact with the motherland.
Concurrently, the Greek government itself will have to increase its serious involvement in such endeavors. One can also hope that there will be more and better sponsored trips for our youth to Greece, organized by both the Greek state and our diaspora organizations, and all in consonance with the accelerated program of Greek teaching in the language, the culture and the history of mother Hellas. In this regard, a genuine, continuous dialogue between Hellas and the Hellenic diaspora is bound to enrich both. There is also a ray of hope in the “Greek Chairs” being instituted in American universities, though I do wonder how committed their graduates will become to their acquired Hellenism.
The Greekness whose gradual loss I lament here is a mode of thought and the love and passion that accompany it. For a culture to persist, its past and simple nostalgia, though very important, are not enough. To sustain themselves, traditions must stand fast at their core but ought to carve new pathways into the future. The diminution of Greekness does have much to do with the imperatives of evolution. Each generation, by the very nature of things, is bound to adopt its beliefs, its own priorities and its own perceptions. And yet, in my constitutionally-protected opinion, the Greek Americans, though commendable in many ways, have not done enough to sustain what is significant in their ethnicity; to pass on to their offspring the pride that comes from knowing who they are. Even if something of what had been may be salvaged, as I have here suggested, overall, I am sadly compelled to feel that we are headed toward “the cursed misfortune” of succumbing to their fate.
FALL 2001 – SPRING 2002
HELLENISM : What we believe - What we stand for.
by Κρεσφόντης (Βλ. Ρασσιάς)
Hellenism (ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΕΘΝΙΣΜΟΣ) is not simply a Religion and Cosmotheory, it is a certain form of human consciousness and an everyday ethos. It is a strong adversary of the so-called “Monotheism” and this not only due to its being the most well-documented of the ancient polytheistic nature-Religions, but also because it is the cultural product of a civilization much higher -on all levels- than the one which created and spread the worship of a Desert “God” throughout the world.
Hellenism perceives Cosmos (ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, i.e. the Universe) as an ever-existing Being, which not only was not created by some “creator” God out of nothing (ΕΚ ΤΟΥ ΜΗΔΕΝΟΣ), but on the contrary allowed the Gods themselves to be created through its procedures. Hellenism understands Cosmos as ΑΠΕΙΡΟΝ (Apeiron, Infinity) in great, wonderful order and therefore in Hellenic language Cosmos means also jewel (ΚΟΣΜΟΣ, ΚΟΣΜΗΜΑ). Gods were born inside the Cosmos and live inside it -they are part of it. This is our REAL dispute with the so-called “Monotheism;” not the number of Gods (One or Many, Mono- or Poly-) but where the God or Gods stand in relation to the Cosmos. For the “Monotheists” the Cosmos was created by an ever -existing Being outside it (so in this macro-historical level it is nothing more than a mortal creation). For the “Monotheists” Cosmos is a creation that has to obey the laws of its “creator”. For us Hellenes, the eternal Cosmos emerges always from inside of itself (ΑΝΑΔΥΕΤΑΙ ΑΦ’ ΕΑΥΤΟΥ) and is the creator of all Gods, which have to obey its own laws. In the Hellenic Cosmotheory, these laws are :
ΑΝΤΙΠΕΠΟΝΘΟΣ ("Antipeponthόs", untranslatable to English, but roughly meaning "all events influence others" thought without "cause and effect"),
ΝΟΜΟΣ ("Nόmos", the entirey of the universal physical Laws), and
ΑΝΑΓΚΗ (“Anάngee” Need and Fate), which all Gods respect and obey.
Due to the eternal nature of Cosmos itself, the Hellenic perception of ΧΡΟΝΟΣ ("Chrόnos", Time) is not linear (as the followers of Yahweh or the modern "rationalists" declare), nor circular (as many judeo-born occult dogmas teach) through the ΟΥΡΟΒΟΡΟΣ symbol ("Ourobόros”, tail-eater snake), but spiral and leading to ΑΠΕΙΡΟΝ. Through this shape of Time, the annual circles, the lunar circles, the human (and all) life, and the art of Prophecy, are fully interpreted. History is never "repeated", just similar to the point that identical events happen but always under different circumstances. And the death of humans (and of all mortal forms of life) happens as the philosopher ΑΛΚΜΑΙΩΝ (Alkmaion) declared, simply "because it is impossible for the end of the circle to touch the beginning". In other words, because it is impossible for the old to become infants again.
For the Hellenic Tradition, or at least its part not yet influenced by the "moral" ideas brought over from eastern civilizations by some famous philosophers as Pythagoras and Plato, no such thing as the "karma" of the eastern theocrats exists, and no "judges" exist in the skies or elsewhere. All dead become automatically holy and then they are born again until through ΑΡΕΤΗ ("Aretee" Virtue) one day their ΨΥΧΗ (Psyche) escapes from the spiral of Time, thus becoming primitive God, ΔΑΙΜΩΝ ("daimon") a word with a positive meaning for Hellenes, in contrast with Judeo-Christain superstition. ΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ (Hercules) is the ultimate symbol of this struggle of each mortal to make his / her way to Olympus, among the Immortal Ones. Hercules is the ultimate symbol for all Hellenes of the past and the present. No, we do not believe in ΜΕΤΕΜΨΥΧΩΣΙΣ ("Metempsyhosis" Re-incarnation) suffering or prospering in this life to pay for or be rewarded for the bad or good actions of previous lives, but instead simply in ΠΑΛΙΓΓΕΝΕΣΙΑ ("Paligenesίa", Rebirth). This perspective distinguishes us from the theocratic dogmas that terrify their believers with "punishments" e.t.c. We love or hate completely outside the Judeo-Christian or karmic designs and dualisms. No dualism of "Good and Evil" exists in the Immortal Cosmos, nor such things as the miscellaneous "moralities" that all the dualistic dogmas spread among humanity. We become virtuous only because we choose to be such.
Our Gods are many and we understand them as completing the make-up of the Universal Sphere of Cosmos to its maximum potential and whole. Thus, from the ΔΩΔΕΚΑΕΔΡΟΝ ("Dodekάhedron") geometric shape (that fills up the sphere to its maximum) we imagine twelve planes, each one presenting a God inside the Cosmos and we define our Hellenic ΠΑΝΘΕΟΝ (Pάntheon, ΠΑΝ ΤΩΝ ΘΕΩΝ, All The Gods) as ΔΩΔΕΚΑΘΕΟΝ ("Dodekάtheon", Pantheon of The Twelve Gods).The Twelve Gods of ours live inside the Shpere of Cosmos and form its various behaviors. In the same way, the twelve Zodiacs represent twelve "energies" that reach Earth and live inside the humans and animals, thus forming various behaviors as well.
Our Twelve Gods are also called ΟΛΥΜΠΙΟΙ ("Olympioi", The Olympians) not because, as many want to believe, they.. dwell on Mt. Olympus, as the mountains with this name numbered not one but eighteen throughout the Hellenic World. This is just a poetic conception, similar to the one that wants Pan to dwell in the forests of Arcadia. The word "Olympus" comes from the verb ΛΑΜΠΩ ("lάmpein", shining). Our Twelve Gods are the "Shining Ones", and the real "Olympus" is not a geographical but a spiritual place, where the Gods really exist.
Another fact worth noting is that these Twelve Gods are not the same Twelve Gods for all Hellenes as some leave Dionysos out, some leave Hestia, e.t.c., replacing them with others. It is the number that counts, not the names of the Gods which in any case number in the thousands- and we must underline here that Hellenism honors and worships not only conscious forces and energies of Nature (as almost all Pagan religions do) but also abstract Ideas, such as Harmony, Eunomia, Justice, Freedom, Beauty, Luck, e.t.c. For us, the Ideas are alive and have form and consciousness; they are real deities that simply show themselves through the functions of the human mind.
A basic (“for beginners”) form of invocation of the Twelve Olympian Gods, a Pantheon that was worshiped at least since the 16th Century before the Judeo-Christian Era (they are named U-ru-pa-ja-jo in the Linear B inscription of Pylos), and openly until the 9th Century of our times (when the last remains of worship of the ethnic Hellenic Gods were exterminated in Lakonia, under the persecutions by "Saint" Nikon the so-called "Metanoite" i.e. "Repent") is the following:
(The Gods are being invoked in "couples" according to the elements and functions that each "couple" supervises).
* Hestia (the power or denization and of common ethos: all invocations start with her named first: " ΑΦ’ ΕΣΤΙΑΣ")
* The honored God or Goddess of the hellenic lunar month
* Hephaistos - Hestia (alternatively: Hermes - Hestia)
* Ares - Aphrodite
* Apollo - Artemis
* Hermes - Athena (alternatively: Hephaistos - Athena)
* Poseidon - Demeter
* Hera - Zeus
We must emphasize here that the "male" and "female" terms inside the Hellenic Pantheon have nothing to do with the sexism and dualism dwelling in the minds of narrow-minded followers of alien cultures. Our Gods have no genitals. The existence of six Gods and six Goddesses inside the Hellenic Pantheon only serves to declare the total balance of all elements and characteristics inside the Sphere of Cosmos. Understanding the structure, nature and distribution of the Cosmos in this way, Hellenism comes in open opposition to all one-sided and partial dogmas on Cosmos, such as "Monotheism", "Bitheism" e.t.c. Because of this, for centuries now, it has been attacked with all the weapons that the arsenal of its enemies contains, from the burnings and crucifixions by the christianized Romans of Contantinoupolis to the disinformation and slander of the modern servants of the Desert "God" Yahweh (in all their disguises). And it may sound odd, but both we and our enemies know that the power of Hellenism is more than that of a Cosmotheory or of a Religion. It's above all a political and social "how to" theory that means to "haunt" the Every Day Life with its high principles: Dignity, Freedom, Beauty, Honesty, Variety, Tolerance, Candor..
We represent an ethos and a cosmotheory, both deeply admirable, for they never allowed the existence of priestly castes, unquestioning obedience, fear or guilt. (Hellenism knows nothing about the word "sin"), dogma or "sacred" books. We are fighting for the Hellenic Dignity in a country totally dominated by an alien culture and cosmotheory, inside a world which is totally dominated by an alien culture and cosmotheory. We speak a language in which most of its deep meanings are impossible to translate into the widely spoken languages of today, a language that almost nobody can understand (nobody outside Greece can read our journal and books). From a strictly "strategic" perspective, we appear almost insane or, at least, "defeated in advance". But we know that we tread the correct path and that the Gods support us. Just by existing we win !
We are the revenge of the Ancient Psyche. We call into question almost every thought and act of this dying world enslaved to the Desert "God" Yahweh, almost every single behavior. And we are in full solidarity with all groups and movements, which work for the restoration of our traditional / indigenous ethos and religions, and also with all others which fight the multi-faceted war for Freedom, Tolerance, Respect for Nature and Democracy in all levels of Every Day Life.
The Old Testament is just ‘a load of old rubbish’, or less polite words to that effect! And there’s a good reason for this – in fact two good reasons.
The first one is to do with the testament itself. The second is to do with the knowledge of how the testament came about i.e. biblical archaeology. Both reasons provide plentiful evidence that it can’t be the word of a god, and that in fact it contra-indicates the existence of this god.
If you care to read the Old Testament, from go to whoa, carefully, and with serious intent to understand it, pausing to think about it, and contemplating each passage, you would almost certainly come to the following conclusions:
• The manuscript is a weird, hot-potch collection of strange and scarcely creditable verses and tales. Although individual verses may make sense, you would be hard pressed to make sense of the testament in its totality.
• The book of Genesis (as do those of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers etc., right through to Jeremiah) contain so many scientific and factual errors, not to mention contradictions, as to suggest that God must have been either playing a great joke on us or he is/was as ignorant of the world as were the dessert goat herders of ‘biblical times’. If the God of the old testament did indeed create the world, he certainly must have done it without any knowledge of physics, astronomy, meteorology, biology,…and just about every ‘ology’ you can think of.
• The entire Old Testament is full of absurdities, too many to list, but here’s a couple of many oversights out of Genesis:
4:25 And Adam knew his wife again: and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.
(Where did Seth find a wife, as there were only three other persons in existence: Adam, Eve and Abel? Incest?)
17:11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.
There are many foreskin passages. It would seem that God is more concerned with what to do with the end of one’s penis, than explaining a little about say, germ theory. Even a random scan through the Old Testament, and you’ll find such absurdities bountiful.
• Then there are numerous verses throughout the testament that contain cruelty (lots of that), injustice, violence, not to mention a raft of contradictions.
One could go on further, but you get the general idea. If these yarns were about a god who felt the need to create ‘man’ in his own image, you’d have to agree, this god is a fairly unsavoury, hypocritical ignoramus - hardly the sort of scoundrel you’d want to invite to dinner, let alone worship,
A good place to examine (on the internet) the veracity of both the Christian Bible and the Koran, is a site called “The Sceptics Annotated Bible”. This resource could help you come to the obvious conclusion: the Bible is bunkum.
Secondly, biblical archaeology is very convoluted and complex. One needs to consider whether the argument that the Bible represent the words ‘spoken’ by the Christian God and written down in its perfect form by humans, is convincing and creditable, or whether the weight of evidence comes down on the authorship being the hand and imagination of man? Unless you’ve already been pre-conditioned to accept the Bible as beyond reproach, it would be difficult not to conclude on the second argument.
The formation of the ‘modern’ bible traces a path through ancient myths that may at first have been compiled many centuries before the second century BCE. It appears to have had ‘genesis’ with old Hebrew texts, which, in turn, seemed to have borrowed from a number of ancient Greek mythologies. Creation stories are as old as humanity itself and have persisted in many guises, in many cultures over long periods, until the emergence of modern science in the 17th/18th centuries. The Christian version of events has passed through many translations: through languages obscure, ancient, and modern; through theological disputes, interpretations, misinterpretations, foul play and intrigues, mergers and de-mergers, editing and falsification…ad nauseam. Even to this day, different parts of different texts are recognised or rejected by different Christian churches: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Russian and Greek Orthodox, Evangelical and more, all have their own slant on the Old Testament. None of it points to the word of God.
(Please refer to the Wikipedia site ‘Bible’, for insight into the origin of the Old Testament.)
At the end of your research, ask yourself a few simple questions: do the verses of the Old (and New) Testament reflect the word, the thoughts and account of a loving, infallible, omniscient, omnipotent God? Or are they the attempts of ‘man’, in the absence of modern knowledge, to explain his origin and being? Could the testament’s archaeological past, this miasma of events, be how the Christian,Jewish,Jehovas Witnesses and Muslim God ordained it? Or does it only make sense if we conclude that this God is imaginary?
The Gods of the Greeks.
On the question of what gods, there is a great error and misinformation. The word god etymology (in dictionary D Gazis, issued under the Con. Karpola Olympian of the year 1839) of the verb God, run, restless conceived of the deity, ie, uninterrupted moving towards progress and development and therefore The word God can not be regarded as a designation of Cause procession of Nature (or else the Creator of Nature), and much more identified with the cause of the procession of Nature. Thus Gods are a psychic individuality located to evolutionary level beyond which the human (as above) rushing rapidly towards continued progress and growth of their forces.
But as understood nowadays the word God has two meanings, it means a) the cause of the procession of the universe (or the Creator of the Universe Authority or the Creator of the Universe) and b) the Spirit of God or God (eg God Mars ). Between these two concepts, there is a huge difference, because God as the cause of the procession of the universe (Creator) is the cause of the outbreak of Nature and God as a spiritual entity is the result of creation. The cause of the procession is the whole universe and God as a spiritual entity is individuality. The individuality (the spirit of God) is a part of the whole rather than the whole (the Creator of causes). Individualism (God Spirit) bear the entire sperm but not the whole, follows the course of the whole and is governed by the laws of the whole. Therefore, the characterization of Cause procession of Nature as God by Christians in the Middle Ages and was confusing just to deliberately created this confusion.
As is apparent, following the above, the expression of monotheistic religion or monotheism is meaningless because the meaning of the word God, as understood in the Greek language can not be attributed to the cause of the Creative Universe. Also, the denial of the existence of spiritual hierarchies, whose members, according to the Greeks, are the gods (spirits) leads to the denial of the existence and operation of the universal laws of development, the existence and operation of which is evident in the contemporary spiritual man who has been eluded by medieval obscurantism.
The attempt by certain monotheistic religions to replace the spiritual hierarchies with "angels" (Jewish creation / tradition) or the "saints" (Christian creation / tradition) is incomplete because a) default is static situation because there is neither a further evolution of the saints, but nor the apotheosis of man and the endless evolution in the spiritual hierarchy and the man who must bear with him as the so-called "original sin" and the only favorable to him is the entrance to "heaven", which will remain in a state of eternal stagnation and b) leaves many questions about the ethics of so-called "saints" example: it can be upgraded to a level beyond human a common criminal and canonization? What happened to the "great and holy and Equal to the Apostles' Emperor Constantine, who was canonized, despite the criminal's past, it has provided political cover to Christianity.
Thus the view expressed by some writers or editors articles that our ancestors were monotheists are at least naive. Made by those who are either trying to prove that everything from the Greeks (even the monotheism of the biblical religions) and deliberately distorting the views of our ancient ancestors, or have misinterpreted the ancient texts (what perisothikan the destructive fury of the Christians ) from their inability to penetrate the subtle meanings of philosophers. The Greeks, therefore, believed and believe in the existence of Spiritual hierarchies, whose members are the gods of various levels and therefore were polytheists. The views expressed Pythagorean philosopher that "Gods and the Gods speak 'as we say that we have the gods of the earth's environment so the gods of the earth's environment and these are their gods, etc. states clearly the importance of these hierarchies. Certainly, after this, there remains the question about the faith of the Greeks to the Creator.
Greeks were not employed, nor particularly concerned about the issue Cause of the Creator because the Creator cause is not an intellectual individual to appeal to it for help, or is reasonably conceivable Creator Cause to come to an individuality to the assist. The Greeks worship their Creator in the event is manifested by the worship they attach to the Divine Nature, which is the apparent expression of the Creator Cause, which were and are lovers. So they had established festivals in the equinoxes and the committees of the Sun (Natural Celebrations), eg Flower Festival before the spring equinox, etc. At the same time the initiates into the mysteries "behind closed doors" were special ceremonies at the equinoxes and the committees of the Sun (see the chapter "On the Natural Holiday ') so recoverable their adoration to the Divine Nature which is brought to the human soul (Logic Paradigm - Autumnal Equinox), enabling it to develop the epistemic level (Cognitive Paradigm - Winter sion of the Sun), enabling it to achieve spiritual regeneration (Sofia - Spring Equinox) and gave her the opportunity to gain immortality (Apotheosis - Summer Committee of the sun).
The Greek national with the word God mean only the Spirit of God, whom they regard as personal, intellectual and conscious existence that has evolved beyond the human level and not the cause of the procession of the universe (or Creator). The identification of the concept of cause procession of the universe in the sense of God (spirit) leads man to confusion. A Greek national mean not only the ancient Greeks and modern which is harmonized and impregnated by the beliefs and spirit of our ancient ancestors. But what is really gods - spirits?
Gods (spirits) are individual cognitive and conscious beings, crossed by the forms of the Worlds and then developed, which is the result of evolution. The laws of the Creator in action through the ongoing transformations brought these entities initially in the state of conscious and intellectual beings, and from there to the status of God (Spirit), to govern the response to those known mental beings. The relationship of God (Spirit) to come upon this mental beings governed by a harmonic law, the Law of Love. Therefore man must to the gods (spirits) only because they love and is governed by this Act harmony with others, has the same love to manifest and to his fellowmen. The Greek national not attribute to worship their gods but love. Worship attach only to the great Pan (Universe or Divine Nature), which is why it is lovers. Please note that the gods there is another point of view according to which the gods are not conscious entities but are considered as dynamic events of Zeus, creator and symbols of the great images of Nature and not separate mental individuality. This view coincides with monotheism, and therefore does not accept the apotheosis of man.
Gods (spirits) are minds that have made the reformatory that circle from which it could gain eternal organic means and so dominated the consciousness of the Infinite as having divine Will. Eternal organic medium is a body not subject to the process of death and the spiritual body. All consciousness of Nature endowed promoted to the realm of pure knowledge and become divine consciousness with endless changes in infinite time. In the Greek tradition of the Gods, as mentioned above, is a product of evolution of the human spirit and the mysteries leitourgisanta designed to show the secrets of the road to the apotheosis. As the man with the intellect and the possibilities of ensuring the organic nature is the main regulator and the natural forces of nature environment and thus dominating them, so the gods are main laws and forces of the natural and spiritual worlds above and not just symbols of the great images of Nature.
The attributes of God (spirit) are not these the qualities of the Creator Cause, for God (spirit) is a personal individuality and personal acting is genius, whose boundaries are limited. Osondipote assuming advanced cognitive personality (even if it is intellectually very superior human) energy rays dianoiseos is not possible to pass in perpetuity and extend in this limitless. Dianoiseos rays of the Gods (which is mental personalities), acting on a particular world and have relations only with him. If God (spirit) was the creator of worlds derivatives such mental beings would not have limited intellect, which would be relevant to the institutions. The limitation of intelligence as mental beings, which is fixed by the organs of intelligence, is proof that these creatures are. The intellect of beings, but all intellect, not creative cause but a result. The mind is the creative source of another superior intellect and this is the proliferation of the vigor. The mental energy of God's spirit to explore the causes of creation. On the knowledge of the causes of the creation of God (spirit) establishes the relationship with the cognitive actions of other beings because of this relationship depends on the progress of.
As is apparent, following the above, the expression of monotheistic religion or monotheism is meaningless because the meaning of the word God, as understood in the Greek language can not be attributed to the cause of the Creative Universe. Also, the denial of the existence of spiritual hierarchies, whose members, according to the Greeks, are the gods (spirits) leads to the denial of the existence and operation of the universal laws of development, the existence and operation of which is evident in the contemporary spiritual man who has eluded by medieval obscurantism.
In making every effort for our readers to get a better understanding we offer:
what our great god Zeus represents.
The name of the greatest God Zeus - Dias tells
us the nature, energy and power of the supreme God of the Greeks.
As Socrates tells us in Plato's work
Cratylus, the name of the God Dias - Zeus is a whole word, that is, a sentence,
a word that we divide into two, with the result that some call him Zena
(Homeric hymn) and others Zeus.
From the moment we join these two names, we
immediately recognize the nature of God, because he is the cause of life (Zeus
= life, so it is the cause of Life) both of our own life and of all other
living beings.
Without Zeus there is no life. (for by him
we live).
So it is God who owns the intelligible (he
is the universal mind), and directs all the worlds of all dimensions always
based on the properties and the universal law which we Greeks have personified.
Dias also denotes the cause DIA of which all
things were made (pantogelthos according to the Orphic hymn).
Zenas denotes the life-giving flow of
everything. From the birth of a star, a planet, a galaxy to the birth of beings.
Apthitos - pantogenelthos - beginning of all
and the last of them - sesichthon (σεισίχθον) - increasingly pure (Orphic hymn
The name Zeus means life-giver, due to the
fact that he is the begetter of gods and men, or from the ancient Greek verb
zeugnimi (ζεύγνυμι) meaning to connect, to unite.
Bringing together (ZEUS) all the universal,
natural forces, energies and laws, ensures the order, sequence and evolution of
everything in the universe.
Starting to study the Orphic hymn to Dias,
Orpheus calls our God Dia - Zeus as immortal, which means that his existence,
his energy, his power is immortal, time (KRONOS) cannot wear him down.
The coupling and division of opposite sides,
which create, multiply, evolve and regenerate continuously.
For us beings……
The beginning is made with the first
universal energy, the attraction (Aphrodite) as we mentioned above of the two
opposites of male and female and the coupling (ZEUS) of visible matter with the
immortal invisible ethereal soul, which results in the beginning of the cycle
of life (ZENAS ...EV ZIN) as the cycle of life is completed, the separation
(DIAS) of visible and invisible matter occurs, i.e. the body and the soul.
God - Dias, as we said above, also rules the
conceivable world.
The conceivable world is etymological in the
Platonic work as that which can be perceived with the mind, intellectual.
Hippocrates said that... For there are two,
science and glory, in which one believes, and the other is ignorant... that is,
true knowledge and belief are two different things. One gives birth to science,
the other to ignorance.
So our god Dias - Zeus, since he rules the
conceivable world, is the universal mind.
In the personifications, that is, the
statues that our ancestors built to honor the God Zeus, they depict him holding
a scepter in one hand which has a globe and two wings on top, the size of the
scepter is stated by our mythology to be twenty four meters as an indication of
his magnificence both in the universal noticeable and in the tangible and
material world (Titanic and Olympian pantheon). Also in his other hand he holds
the personification of the Goddess of Victory.
So it is the personification of the total
universal intelligence. Through this property, the personification of his
intellect will later be born, the goddess Athena, which we will analyze below,
while the union of the energy of God - Zeus in its union with other energies
and forces will create new Gods and Demigods that complete the trunk of our
initiatory knowledge..
(excerpt from the book THE ODYSSEY OF THE
IMMORTAL SOUL with an explanatory character.)
Plato, Socrates and Aristotle, apart from being great philosophers and much more, were also theologians of our ancient Hellenic religion.
This is what we are now studying in the ILIODROMION classes in the last 4 weeks. Below is a reasonably close summary...
Plato has written several accounts about the afterlife in several of his works.
The most important are in "Politeia" and "Phaedon". Some of them have become better known but there are also some points that show another more mystical and religious dimension in Plato's secret teaching. We will talk about such a passage from the book "Phaedon" in this article.
It is a general impression that in the Pythagorean and Platonic tradition, the fate of the soul after death is given and final, depending on the injustices it committed while in the body. But this is not so.
In the description we have in Phaedo we see in principle that there are 5 levels in the afterlife: (5 rivers: Ocean, Acheron, Pyriphlegethon, Stygyon, Cokytos). Souls judged to have lived an average life between virtue and vice are taken to the lake Acherusia and there they reside, gradually cleansed of their crimes and released to be reincarnated again.
The rest, who committed grave crimes, through the rivers, will fall into Tartarus which is the lowest level, a kind of Hell. Souls with the worst offenses will not make it out of Tartarus. For the rest, Plato says:
"Other souls, however, who have committed great but curable offenses, come out every year from Tartarus and through the rivers reach the lake Acherusia every year. When they are transported and reach Lake Acherusia, they shout and call, some for those they killed, others for those they injured. They call, beg and beg to be allowed to come out of the lake and be taken back again. If they are persuaded they come up and their calamities end, otherwise they are carried back to Tartarus and thence back to the rivers, they continue to suffer and their torment does not cease until they have convinced those who wronged them. This punishment was imposed on them by the judges.”
It is a very important passage where Plato shows that the fate of the victim is somehow tied to the fate of the perpetrator. Divine justice is not enough to punish the soul. The duration of the punishment of a soul who has committed serious enough offenses is not determined by God but by past victims. The souls of the victims are called upon at regular intervals to judge whether they have forgiven the perpetrators of the injustice they have suffered. But even the punished souls have the opportunity every now and then to ask for redemption and forgiveness from their victims.
Although it is not clearly stated in Plato's mythological account, it seems as if the souls of the victims also linger each year on the shores of the Acherusian lake to see their abusers and murderers come and beg for mercy. And the dilemma for these souls is whether they will learn to forgive. Because if they do not forgive those from whom they have suffered harm, they too, in a way, are "punished" by their own bitterness, staying in the afterlife. They may not be tormented like guilty souls, but the consequence for them too is to remain stagnant, in that state and not take advantage of the opportunity for another incarnation that will give them new opportunities to become more virtuous.
The punishment for impure souls is, by necessity, to be tortured periodically in Tartarus and try to beg for mercy every year. The punishment for the victims' souls is, voluntarily, to remain stuck in their bitterness and inability to forgive.
Plato is a "wizard" of allegory. It gives, on the one hand, a symbolic outline of the Orphic and Pythagorean conceptions of the afterlife. But on the other hand, it also gives an image of life here, the life of the bond between the perpetrator and the victim in the midst of everyday life.
With this narrative, Plato gives messages from the most important to the least:
* Do not be unjust, because you will be punished.
* Even if you have wronged, you must repent and ask for mercy and forgiveness from your victims.
*** The virtuous and the heroic go to the Elysian Fields and the Blessed Isles.
**** The so called Church Fathers in their deliberations to give a deeper meaning to Christianity during their so called Holy Synods borrowed and copied an enormous amount from our ancient Hellenic religion. They of course distorted them in order to fit in with the Jewish paradigm of Christianity.
*** We ask our friends who have a better understanding of this particular part of our philosophical and theological understanding to correct us on any point we have expressed.
I love your flow of information; you started with the importance of preserving the Greek
ReplyDeleteidentity, the danger of globalism, and the threat of mixed marriages to the Greeks, it is
great how you show that the church that is thought of as a Greek orthodox church, might
be the instrument that dismantle the Greek identity with mix marriages with people that prescribe to the same church such as the Slovak people. It is worth mentioning that your description to the ancient Greek religion as the only unifying and preserving for the Greek identity is very valid, for it was made in Greece for Greeks. The link of the Greek gods to nature is fascinating; many people did not go that much in depth to understand that glorious lost wise religion. The Greeks gave us the modern western civilization throughout the ages including the age of enlightenment; it is the Greek duty to preserve them selves as a great nation, so they can contribute more to mankind.
Iam glad you enjoyed the article.Yes the Orthodox christian religion does open the door to mixed marriages with other christians from other nationalities.Thank you also for your encouraging comments.
ReplyDeleteLong live the Hellenic dream.
ReplyDeleteExcellent! As a Hellene who in the past 15 years has denounced christianity,and has returned to pure Hellenism,i sign this decree and hope that more Hellenes will return to the arms of Apollo and Athena! Great work,congradulations. Dr.ioannis Psomiadis,Katerini,Macedonia,Hellas
ReplyDeleteThank you Dr I. Psomiadis for your kind words of encouragement! There is much more that needs to be done, it is people like yourself that lift our spirit so as to be able to carry on this work.
ReplyDeleteHowever any assistance from our many friends is always appreciated and accepted with good-will!
We need someone with the correct knowledge to write for us a "Hellenic Religious National Hymn", based on our religion, on the God Apollo and to include the word "ΥΠΕΡΜΑΧΩ" and to be sung to the same tune and melody of the christian IPERMAHO!
ΕΥΓΕ good work , continue your path with honour